Hell Patrol
It Wandered In From the Wastes

This forum reminds me of my super duper incredible dumb and amazing mod I made for Fallout 2!! A couple months ago, I took the time to download and learn how to hex edit and I made some really cool sh*t(does this forum allow un-censored swearing?) from the info available on the "Unknown Files"'s page on Fallout editing. After making some cool guns like the grenade launcher, some stupid/cheap ones like the "Johnny's 10mm BB Gun of death"(BTW - A tip that you probably already know for you guys who still make mods. Never make any super weapons that weren't originally BB guns, alien blasters, louisville sluggers, or solar scorchers. I hate having a raider do a 700 round burst from his "hunting rifle o' death" on me, setting me and my entire party on fire), I decided to uncover some crap that no-one else posted how to do.
I'm gonna start a new paragraph to make things more readable. Back to my idiotic and incoherant ramblings. Here is a readable list of all the crap I discovered(or info that everyone knew about but me). Pardon my lack of correct terminology, I haven't used a hex editor for a LOOONG time.
1. Placement of the bytes that determine the death animation for a weapon, and a list of the codes for all the different sequences(ex. flaming death, melting death, cut-in-half death, .etc
2. Placement of the bytes that determine what armor makes you look like, and a HUGE list of lots of different looks you could have(I miss my gecko armor, and the sentry robot armor. I was SOOOO close to getting the full Frank Horrigan code, all I got was the desembodied Horrigan one, but I lost all my info when my dad reformatted my computer without asking. And if I remember correctly, you get new sounds for your new look, when you bite someone as a gecko is sounds like a bite and not a bunch)
3. I think I might have posted my corrections I made on some of Borg Locutus's tutorials.
I posted this wondering if by any very small chance that some mod maker out there copied the info I posted on the Unknown Files message board before the board got erased? Ever since I lost my files, I lost my motivation to create mods. I've only made one mod since then(Jet changed to "Jet Poison" which takes off around 800 hp. Its funny walking into the Den seeing a million messages saying "Addict succumbs to the adverse effects of chems", and the place is littered with dead bodies.) So if anyone has the info I posted, or rediscovered it on their own, could you please post it here or mail it to me at Hell_Patrol@juno.com.
Hell Patrol
This forum reminds me of my super duper incredible dumb and amazing mod I made for Fallout 2!! A couple months ago, I took the time to download and learn how to hex edit and I made some really cool sh*t(does this forum allow un-censored swearing?) from the info available on the "Unknown Files"'s page on Fallout editing. After making some cool guns like the grenade launcher, some stupid/cheap ones like the "Johnny's 10mm BB Gun of death"(BTW - A tip that you probably already know for you guys who still make mods. Never make any super weapons that weren't originally BB guns, alien blasters, louisville sluggers, or solar scorchers. I hate having a raider do a 700 round burst from his "hunting rifle o' death" on me, setting me and my entire party on fire), I decided to uncover some crap that no-one else posted how to do.
I'm gonna start a new paragraph to make things more readable. Back to my idiotic and incoherant ramblings. Here is a readable list of all the crap I discovered(or info that everyone knew about but me). Pardon my lack of correct terminology, I haven't used a hex editor for a LOOONG time.
1. Placement of the bytes that determine the death animation for a weapon, and a list of the codes for all the different sequences(ex. flaming death, melting death, cut-in-half death, .etc
2. Placement of the bytes that determine what armor makes you look like, and a HUGE list of lots of different looks you could have(I miss my gecko armor, and the sentry robot armor. I was SOOOO close to getting the full Frank Horrigan code, all I got was the desembodied Horrigan one, but I lost all my info when my dad reformatted my computer without asking. And if I remember correctly, you get new sounds for your new look, when you bite someone as a gecko is sounds like a bite and not a bunch)
3. I think I might have posted my corrections I made on some of Borg Locutus's tutorials.
I posted this wondering if by any very small chance that some mod maker out there copied the info I posted on the Unknown Files message board before the board got erased? Ever since I lost my files, I lost my motivation to create mods. I've only made one mod since then(Jet changed to "Jet Poison" which takes off around 800 hp. Its funny walking into the Den seeing a million messages saying "Addict succumbs to the adverse effects of chems", and the place is littered with dead bodies.) So if anyone has the info I posted, or rediscovered it on their own, could you please post it here or mail it to me at Hell_Patrol@juno.com.
Hell Patrol