I'm making a cave system, and since I'm dead set on it not being all right angles and straight lines, I'm playing a little loose with the wall tile alignment. This leads to patchiness, where the see-through-walls bubble that surrounds the player doesn't just effect the walls between the player and the camera, but also walls behind the player that don't need to be seen through.
Apparently, setting the "WallTransEnd" flag for a given wall to "on" will fix this (patchiness is circled)
--but what exactly does it do? Would it be desirable to set WallTransEnd "on" for every wall, or would this have bad consequences? What does the name mean?
Apparently, setting the "WallTransEnd" flag for a given wall to "on" will fix this (patchiness is circled)
--but what exactly does it do? Would it be desirable to set WallTransEnd "on" for every wall, or would this have bad consequences? What does the name mean?