Want to play baball with dogmeat ?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
The french communauty is in full fever of creation.
I wanted to show you the latest creation of a partner of me
in my laboratory for modding.
Brother Caveman.
A smart guy, who learn scripting reading my tuto.
Now is at least my equivalent.
Just look at that.
I'm fan :)

<embed src="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/x9sqqz_balls-games_videogames&related=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="381" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object>
Ball's games
envoy&eacute; par soifette. - Découvrez plus de sujets sur les jeux vidéo !</div>
I rather like this idea. It gives me an idea: I wonder if it's possible to have Dogmeat 'fetch' weapons that are dropped by opponents during combat? Or even if he can seek out specific items on a map when you enter it?
Are the offsets of the tree wrong? Seems like Dogmeat is running under it.

The idea is nice but seems 100% scriptes (player throws always in the same direction?). It's just some useless script for the dog but it adds some nice atmosphere.
That's superb Brother (or your freind) :clap:

I like MIB88's idea also. But if anyone would know if it's possible - it would be you, MIB!!
There is no blocker under tree actually.
As I say it's actually a map where I test a lot of things.
So it explain why vodoo (it's his name in my project) run across the trees.
Good idea.
We 'll watch for this.
Schuss and thanks for your encouragement.

Ha... A last thing ;) I prepare something else.
As soon as continuum reply me ;)

Brother Soifran
Gronichonha !
I've improved the native script of my collegue brother caveman.
Now where are able to launch the sequence of play baballe with vodoo by using ...
A baballe on him.
I've create an item call PID-baballe on add a procedure on the vodoo script.
I'm waiting continuum make me a real baball ;)
haven't check your mail ? :)
A red one, like beach volley one.
Thanks all.

Brother Soifran

<div><embed src="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/x9yq37_vodoo2_videogames&related=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="381" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed>
envoyé par soifette - Regardez les tests, les trailers et les solutions complètes de jeux vidéo.</div>
I makes more sense to have a dialogue interaction instead of using the item on the dog.

I don't quite understand why the player needs to bend down each time, if the player has the "ball" in his inventory that should be enough of a condition to start the conversation, then when the dog returns the "ball" it should just reappear in the players inventory.
You're totally right Glovz, And I share your opinion...
Strange isn't it :)
No in fact this script is a kind of laboratory.
I tried to understand how to script an action of using an item on an object of the game.
In my before last version, when I used the baball , I called the talk procedure and then the game play as the first time.
But after I decide to keep talk procedure for other thing in the futur.
Like talk to Vodoo to look for more stuff in the dead NPC after a combat, or play baball to found random item after he bring back it .(no more than one time by day)
Or ask him bring back food etc, etc...
So I must found the way to launch play dialog when I use the baball independantly of talking to the dog.
The purpose of this experience was the next:
Understand how to script the use of an object on another one and trigger something.
Now I know how to do that, I can Make the script for jeterska for his saughtered brahmin.
I 'll make in sort that if the dude, use a butcher knife on a dead brahmin, this last was "slaughtered".
Or if the dude use a watering on seed, it'll trigger the apparition af new plant few days later.
etc, etc, etc...
I've many idea to improve the freedom in our favorite game, and the baball was a tool.
Another Idea I have.
Who have never be frustrated to not be able to search all this pile of rock in the game? ;). So if the dude use dynamite or kind of crossbar, or hammer on it, he could have some luck to "destroy" it, and why not unblock a pathway.
I go to stop, I think you have understand the purpose.
But you're writte we 'll result on a dialog with vodoo after using the ball on it.
It'll be more fun.

Brother Soifran
Pariah dog fetching explosives that you left set.

Possible? I know it would be a different script but fetch has me inspired.
Haha, very funny! =)
Did it's possible to replace the baball throwing
by attacking a single enemy?

In this idea:

Talk to dog, if a foe is on the screen:
You-Oh look DOG, ther's a bad one!
kill it!

-Then the dogs bites the foes, and a popup message
will appears: ENEMY will hit for X hit points...

Of course, The dog bites randomly.
Would it be possible to populate an area with invisible, 1hp critters - targets - so that the player could throw the rock - baball - at them and have Dogmeat fetch to the position of the item on the ground?

You'd need a hex-shaped desert-colour critter for that to work, though, also, the critters would have to not obstruct Dogmeat's route.