Take a good look, Americans. This is what you brought upon yourselves and what you voted for. This war is more than a waste of lives of your troops and Iraqi civilians. It is a gargantuan money funnel that will cripple your economy and thus directly your standard of living for years to come, while detestable war profiteers like Cheney and Ridge reap the fruits of their devilish project and shift the blame for sudden lack of perspective on them tree-hugging hippies and pinko commies.
Not exactly a paltry sum, eh?A new study by two leading academic experts suggests that the costs of the Iraq war will be substantially higher than previously reckoned. In a paper presented to this week’s Allied Social Sciences Association annual meeting in Boston MA., Harvard budget expert Linda Bilmes and Columbia University Professor and Nobel Laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz calculate that the war is likely to cost the United States a minimum of nearly one trillion dollars and potentially over $2 trillion.
Here's an idea - save money on injured war veterans by killing them off. Barbaric? Most definitely, but somehow I wouldn't put such thoughts past Bush and his clique.The study expands on traditional budgetary estimates by including costs such as lifetime disability and health care for the over 16,000 injured, one fifth of whom have serious brain or spinal injuries.
Wait, I thought this war was supposed to *benefit* the economy? Oh dear, silly me.It then goes on to analyze the costs to the economy, including the economic value of lives lost and the impact of factors such as higher oil prices that can be partly attributed to the conflict in Iraq. The paper also calculates the impact on the economy if a proportion of the money spent on the Iraq war were spent in other ways, including on investments in the United States
You call it underestimate, I call it outright lie. Because lying to the people is all the Republican administration is good at.“Shortly before the war, when Administration economist Larry Lindsey suggested that the costs might range between $100 and $200 billion, Administration spokesmen quickly distanced themselves from those numbers,” points out Professor Stiglitz. “But in retrospect, it appears that Lindsey’s numbers represented a gross underestimate of the actual costs.”
Take a good look, Americans. This is what you brought upon yourselves and what you voted for. This war is more than a waste of lives of your troops and Iraqi civilians. It is a gargantuan money funnel that will cripple your economy and thus directly your standard of living for years to come, while detestable war profiteers like Cheney and Ridge reap the fruits of their devilish project and shift the blame for sudden lack of perspective on them tree-hugging hippies and pinko commies.