Warhammer 40K tabletop


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Anyone here play tabletop 40k?

I started playing last year, still not very good at painting my models, half are still unpainted but I suck at painting and am never in the mood to sit down and try to paint them...

I play Tau. Picked Tau because I liked the look of their Crisis suits and ships, and I like armies with big guns. That and everyone around here plays Space Marines so I wanted to be something different.

I play Tau too and have an army of Blood angel.
I really like the "Broadside" Armor with Railgun... ST10 and table top with a good line of sight!! destroy almost everything :twisted:
Crisis suit are very good because you can move, shoot and go to cover in the assault phase with jet pack... The only bad side of the Tau is the lack of close combat possibility. But the new race (not sure of there name) look like not so bad.
Scout with railgun rifle are nice too.
If you like go to see Forgeworld for some extra Tau unit like Heavy Gun drone and extra Devilfish/Hammerhead parts.

For the painting is the same for me... but with time you will be better, begin with simple fire warrior; do then by steps and by batch; base color, etc .

I got some ship for Battle fleet Gothic too.

I'm not fully aware of the news rules, Gameworkshop like to change rules very often...
Touquet said:

I play Tau too and have an army of Blood angel.
I really like the "Broadside" Armor with Railgun... ST10 and table top with a good line of sight!! destroy almost everything :twisted:
Crisis suit are very good because you can move, shoot and go to cover in the assault phase with jet pack... The only bad side of the Tau is the lack of close combat possibility. But the new race (not sure of there name) look like not so bad.
Scout with railgun rifle are nice too.
If you like go to see Forgeworld for some extra Tau unit like Heavy Gun drone and extra Devilfish/Hammerhead parts.

For the painting is the same for me... but with time you will be better, begin with simple fire warrior; do then by steps and by batch; base color, etc .

I got some ship for Battle fleet Gothic too.

I'm not fully aware of the news rules, Gameworkshop like to change rules very often...

Sweet, hello fellow Tau brethren, the Greater Good go with you.

I haven't purchased any railguns yet, planning to soon though as the models look sweet.

And yeah, I love being able to move during the assault phase with the jet packs. I agree with the lack of melee power, although if my Kroot ever get into melee with people they usually do well.

I wasn't aware that there was a new race, will have to look it up to see what it is.

I'm not even going to bother with Forgeworld stuff for a long time, I still suck at putting together my small units let alone a big ass Tau spaceship :shock:

Some of my friends want to play Gothic as well, although I'm not familiar with the rules.

And yeah, I've heard that they are coming out with a new rulebook soon, unsure as to if our group will use it or not. In fact a lot of the guys here have started playing using 2nd edition rules, I like a lot of the rules in 2nd ed like overwatch.
and there is another unit, the TAU GUE'LA AUXILIARY ARMY... remain of the Imperial guard who join the Empire. They are easy to make; buy one box of imperial guard and one box of fire warrior and use the main body of the tau with all the part form the imperial and you have Auxiliary., Most of then have laser rifle, base weapon for imperial guard but two can be equipped with puls rifle or carabine.
And do not forget to do pinning test when firing with pulse carabine; Gun drone or Scout :)
do not forget the stealth suit too, in some mission they are useful!

As for Gothic, the smart missile from the Tau ship are nice; they can turn and move --> look like seeker missile :ok: And the ship have the railgun too. The rules are quit simple too and the Tau have alien ship in the army list... quite good.

New Unit:
Vespid Stingwings

Pathfinder with Rail Rifles

From http://uk.games-workshop.com/imperialguard/doctrines/2/

In principle, the Greater Good makes no distinction between Tau and other races. Thus, the expanding Tau Empire has incorporated races they have encountered into their society and even military. Humans (known as Gue’la in the Tau tongue) who have accepted the Greater Good now serve along the border as auxiliary infantry.

Since the Gue’la have yet to prove themselves, they have limited access to advanced Tau technology like pulse weapons and hover vehicles. However, they do have some Tau equipment and parts (you could even modify a Sentinel with a few Battlesuit bitz to represent this).

The Special Equipment: Carapace armour represents modified Fire Warrior armour made available by the Tau regulars. Gue’la auxiliaries are trained to Tau standards, symbolised by the Close Order Drill Doctrine. Tau Water Caste merchants ensure a steady flow of black-market weaponry from the Imperium, illustrated by the availability of Special Weapons squads and Heavy Weapons platoons. Finally, the Tau Empire’s most determined foes at present are the Orks – the Xeno-Fighters Doctrine represents the auxiliary’s experience defending the border.
I created an Imperial Guard army on paper once. I had a whole story set out for them and everything. They were to have carapace armour and conscripts, so my regular infantry would be white skinned and have carapace armour while the conscripts were black skinned and soaked up most of the damage.
I had a small Tyranid army. They were awesome and no one ever played them. I loved watching wave after wave get mowed down and then having my huge units climb over the corpses to disembowel the enemy.

The army was given me to me and I wanted to change some things so I went down to the local store to pick up more units. That is when I realized 2 ounces of plasic would cost me 2 dollars. I gave the army back and started a new game of XCom.
I had a sizable Imperial Guard army at one time, mostly standard issue with a few Catachan Death Squads tossed in for flavor.

To be honest though, I found the painting and customization to be more fufilling than actually playing, which is probably why people were willing to pay me to paint their units for them.
This is much too expensive a hobby for me to even think about getting into.

However, would i start collecting an army, i would certainly choose Necrons. Everyone is their bitch, they own and are cool and awesome and groovy.
Thx for the link :wink:
For the XV39 Gue'vesa Battlesuit review has it was said it doesn't fit in the army. I was thinking about something like a "Drone Dreadnought" mixt of a Broadside armor and a drone if I keek the technologic way of the Tau. But like Madbringer wrote, it's an expensive hobby...
Just making the TAU GUE'LA AUXILIARY is a lot of plastic "sprue" waste.
Anyway I still like to play time to time but my army is not finish at all and Gamesworkshop like to change model with there new version; my old stealth suit does not look like the new one and I don't want to buy then just because they decide to change the look.
I've the same problem with my Hordes of Chaos Army for Warhammer.

But I still plan to buy the new Vespid Stingwings and the Sniper Drone Team to complete my army list :P