WARNING about "All alive at exit grids" trigger


Author of FOT mod THE SUM
I have been puzzled for a long time by a strange behaviour for the "All alive at exit grids" trigger, that I might understand now. If you guys have experienced the same thing, or something different, I'd be happy to hear from you.

So, I added to all my maps a "✓Preserve" trigger to continuously check if the player has all its characters on the exit grids, and exit to the worldmap. Simple? No. Because from time to time, I open a mission map to be instantly kicked out of it, back to the worldmap...

It appears that this trigger, appart from being the ONLY ONE being used in my map, is somehow being beaten by another unknown trigger. This means that as soon as I open the mission map again later, my trigger now have the time to fire and bring the player out to the worldmap "as intented", despite the characters not being in the exit grids at all. I verified this by adding a 5 seconds delay to that trigger and, sure enough, I was able to (instantly) leave to the worldmap, and when going back in, after 5 seconds, I got kicked out again.

SO, it APPEARS that a mission map WILL NEED a trigger to determine what to do the FIRST TIME it uses the exit grids, but as soon as they are assigned and used, the behaviour will remain active indefinitely for this mission map, making the trigger redundant.

This means that if you add an "All alive at exit grids" trigger for your player, you probably should not make it "✓Preserve".

This is, as far as I know, a hard-coded feature that has been added to make sure a player can still leave the mission map with exit grids after a successful mission without the need of a trigger, even after the "Nuke triggers on Exit" have been fired, exactly like they do in vanilla Tactics. But, again, only after the mission has been completed and an exit to worldmap trigger has been fired once.