Warning: Your Computer CHIP Fan Fail or speed too low


Vault Senior Citizen
Hello I need some advice.

when i start my computer it make an anonying noice and i get this following error message on the start up:

"Warning: Your Computer CHIP Fan Fail or speed too low."

I tried cleaning it but Its still makening the noice. The fan is spinning though. I remember having this a couple of times in the past but it would eventually stop. I have the feeling the fan has an hard time spinning, like it needs te be oiled. The tempurature seem to keep constant at 30C (coolmaster grafs)

Has anyone had the same experience like this before?
And with what do you guys clean you hardware?
Similar situation on my old PC. You should probably replace the fan if you tried oiling it and it didn't work.
I would like to oil it but I'm not to sure if I can reach it without dripping it all over the hardware. I saw people remove a sticker from the fan, but its seems that they are talking about a difrent fan, since that fan in my pc doesn't make the buzzing noice...
Modern motherboards have sensors that measure the rpm of your fans. Some motherboards can even control the speed settings. If the BIOS throws that error message it is because the RPM have fallen below a certain threshold. You could disable the warnings in the BIOS but I think that's inadvisable. Like Mirdza said, try oiling the fans. The procedure is not too hard. Just remove the sticker on the fan and you'll see a hole with some washers and the fan's axle. Carefully push the washers up and clean the axle and lubricate it (try using graphite or teflon lubricants). Remember to clean the area around the fan. If you are concerned about the cost, this method will save you some money in fan replacements (you shouldn't need to replace a fan unless the electric components burn). Canned air is a bit expensive but it cleans your system properly. A small vacuum cleaner will do wonders BUT please be careful of static. Vacuum cleaners and canned can generate some static, particularly in dry climates.
Thanks for the replies :)

Like I said, the only 1 fan in my pc has a sticker on it. This one isn't making the buzzing sound. I put a vacuum cleaner on the both fans. I didn't think that could be dangerous :o

I will try to clean it some more. As the fan is spinning, I can't say its broken.
the same happens to me for the last 4 months.

Read the message, press F1 and carry on with your life. You can also stop the message from appearing altogether in the Bios, don't remember where though.