The unbeatable high.
27-30 April
The European Economical Forum takes place in this rebuilt and repatched eastern capital this year. Around 10 000 anti-globalist protesters are expected.
The city looks like Baghdad.
Entire streets boarded-up, police checkpoints, police barricades, hovering helicopters and 15 000 extra cops. Yesterday, while enjoying a delicious cold beer, the company of a couple of friends and the outbreak of spring, an army helicopter landed in the middle of the park in which we were having our little libation.
Today it's even worse. The aforementioned choppers patrol around the city center, giving a little "Sarajevo" touch to unlucky tourists, who found out half the city has been completely isolated. Police in riot gear roam around the streets, along with their black-clad "show-me-your-ID-or-go-to-jail" comrades. Not to mention the whole public transports web is overwhelmed. My damn ears hurt from the sound of sirens.
The whole Anti-globalist mob is pretty diversified. From commie radicals to nationalist far-right goons.
I'm not taking part of this protest. While I agree that the way the world is ruled should change, you won't change shee-it to better protesting against the EU in Poland. A skeptical approach to the EU legislation passed will do more than torching cars on the street.
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The unbeatable high.
27-30 April
The European Economical Forum takes place in this rebuilt and repatched eastern capital this year. Around 10 000 anti-globalist protesters are expected.
The city looks like Baghdad.
Entire streets boarded-up, police checkpoints, police barricades, hovering helicopters and 15 000 extra cops. Yesterday, while enjoying a delicious cold beer, the company of a couple of friends and the outbreak of spring, an army helicopter landed in the middle of the park in which we were having our little libation.
Today it's even worse. The aforementioned choppers patrol around the city center, giving a little "Sarajevo" touch to unlucky tourists, who found out half the city has been completely isolated. Police in riot gear roam around the streets, along with their black-clad "show-me-your-ID-or-go-to-jail" comrades. Not to mention the whole public transports web is overwhelmed. My damn ears hurt from the sound of sirens.
The whole Anti-globalist mob is pretty diversified. From commie radicals to nationalist far-right goons.
I'm not taking part of this protest. While I agree that the way the world is ruled should change, you won't change shee-it to better protesting against the EU in Poland. A skeptical approach to the EU legislation passed will do more than torching cars on the street.
Ok. I'm done, your turn to discuss and comment