Wasteland 2042 bits


Carbon Dated and Proud
Bitterman emailed me that they had updated the Wasteland 2042 site again, here's what the man said:<blockquote>First off, I did a new wallpaper for you people, by the request of a community member. I call the work "Little Star" and you can find it on the Downloads section of our site.

But I imagine you people are starting to get fed up with wallpapers. You've come to expect more out of us. So we deliver.

Today marks two important things, to me. Firstly, the eleven month anniversary of my Post Apocalyptic art and fiction site, Nurk! Secondly, it marks the launch of a new feature in our regular weekly updates. You may wonder what these two have in common. Read on.

Today we launch "Personal Apocalypse" Nurk's first, and the official Wasteland 2042 comic. You can find it hosted, every week, in the comics section, over on Nurk!</blockquote>Snazzy..