Wasteland replay value and play time


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Are there any choices to be made? Aside from the typical pick a lock or destroy the door, story/character choices as seen in the Fallouts?

What about dialogue choices, are they present and if so do they influence anything?

Does it have multiple endings?

I mean NV could be played 5 times alone, i realize this is a very old game and things like that were not present then.

Also, i want to know how much of a time commitment this game is.
I don't believe there are a whole lot of choices. A lot of them are 'don't do or do' type of dilemmas. There is no player dialogue in the game. I believe there's only one ending.

In terms of time commitment, that depends on you. You can rush from one location to another even on your first walkthrough (I know I did it), or thoroughly study each area and do a whole lot of combat and exploration.
Sub-Human said:
I don't believe there are a whole lot of choices. A lot of them are 'don't do or do' type of dilemmas. There is no player dialogue in the game. I believe there's only one ending.

In terms of time commitment, that depends on you. You can rush from one location to another even on your first walkthrough (I know I did it), or thoroughly study each area and do a whole lot of combat and exploration.

Good, i miss playing a RPG like this from time to time, games like Witcher 2 (it goes in my top 5) imply a huge time commitment and micromanagement hell "decision management" - you can easily get 4 playthroughs out of TW2 based on story decisions alone.
Speaking of the time commitment, I'd certainly recommend that you backup your save often (by copying+pastying the savefiles - files Save1 and Save2, I believe, in the root folder), since the game will take every chance that you give it to autosave your progress, and if you die, you have to start over.

I'm fairly sure that any given player, especially a newcomer, will have trouble surviving, so it's better not to take chances.