Wasteland scans galore


Vault Consort
Staff member
While everyone's been busy playing Wasteland, kgreene has assembled a museum of scans, the Wasteland Documentation Archive, which has now been fleshed out:

<blockquote>A large collection of Computer Gaming World magazines have been made available online at the CGW Archive due to the tremendous scanning effort of the CGW Museum.

The Wasteland Computer Gaming World Archive (6.6 MB pdf) contains excerpts from several of the magazines, ranging from a mention of a Mad Max-like game in production to a preview, review, hints, and it being named CGW adventure game of the year! Be sure to check out both the archive and the museum!</blockquote>

Personally I loved seeing the back of the box. For the crazy completists there's also a scanned review here from Zzap! 64, a British Commodore 64 magazine.

Thanks kgreene for the heads up!
This is pretty awesome. I meant to grab the issue with the Wasteland review today after reading the last issue of CGW last night, and kgreene managed to one-up my desire and save me time in the process. Thanks man!
Dammit! I'm old enough to reminise about the "Good ol' days" Or atleast I thought I shouldn't be!

After reading everything, I relized just how much I miss playing "Wasteland" but also, did you notice the overall "Feel" of how gameing used to be? I mean look at the excerpts from the old mags!

I had almoste forgotten that there was a time when, story, gameplay, and rule systems mattered... As opposed to the "Mt.Dew/extreame" graphics gameing of today. I miss going "North" and looking at my "Z" stats and "Unjamming" my guns. I alos miss the time when gameing mag writers didn't always try to be "Hip" "funny" and "ironic". Yeah at one point the game mattered more then the review... *Huff*

Anyway Per, totaly awsome... Kgreene is great, and so is the Wasteland Archive, he? created. 50 points guys! Still, just reading this made me feel even more hollow, when it comes to gameing.