Wasteland (the original) dialog?


Creator of Fallout Fixt
Is this transcribed somewhere?

For example I know the Fallout wiki contains, generally speaking, all the .MSG (dialog) files for the various critters and NPCs in the game. It would be awesome if we had a similar thing for Wasteland. I know of the Paragraphs of course, but there's also lots of dialog within the game itself that isn't self-contained within specific files.

We have the Wasteland Suite but I don't see any part of it that specifically extracts dialog/messages. Maybe they're contained in the map files themselves. Hmmm.
Was there dialogue inside the game itself, though? You can get a hold of the paragraphs if you get Wasteland via Abandonia (Open Office/Word will read them). It can be hard to understand under which context they are used, but if you played through the game you'll understand.