
kill n die

First time out of the vault
Hey guys
I wanted to make some own gunshoots sfx on Fallout but i have problem,i can convert the .acm2wav but when i want make own sound ( did convert in jet audito to 22 kHz 16bit mono) and use snd2acm it does nothing,even the console window pop up for like second and shut down (same thing happends when using acm2wav,but that works...)
I'm really lost in that point now so any help would be really welcome.
That's strange, all your settings are fine (16bits, mono, 22050khz). Check if your wav file has the "pcm" codec before converting it to acm, that might be the issue.
Aguirre said:
That's strange, all your settings are fine (16bits, mono, 22050khz). Check if your wav file has the "pcm" codec before converting it to acm, that might be the issue.
I'm sorry but i'm kinda fresh in these sounds converting,can you please tell me where i can find the info if it have "pcm"codec? Also do you think that it is normal that a program (.acm2wav) close automaticly after convert or after just opening it?
Btw i'm using JetAudio for converting.
I guess your sound editing software could tell you if your file is encoded in the PCM format (check any property panel). If not, you could use gspot :


The acm2wav is not supposed to close right after the conversion, it should give you this kind of result :

Be sure to launch your command line prompt with the administrator rights.

Hope that helps!
Aguirre said:
I guess your sound editing software could tell you if your file is encoded in the PCM format (check any property panel). If not, you could use gspot :


The acm2wav is not supposed to close right after the conversion, it should give you this kind of result :

Be sure to launch your command line prompt with the administrator rights.

Hope that helps!
Yeah i found it,the format is PCM for sure now,and also i run the program as an administrator (win 7 64bit) but didn't help anyway... =/ It just keeps automaticly shut down...
Perhaps you're clicking it twice from your Windows Explorer window, instead of running it from the command line?

If this is the case, go Start->Accessories->Command Line (or Start->Run->cmd), then navigate your folder system (with cd commands) until you arrive in your snd2acm folder, then type the snd2acm command as per the snd2acm readme file.
Ardent said:
Perhaps you're clicking it twice from your Windows Explorer window, instead of running it from the command line?

If this is the case, go Start->Accessories->Command Line (or Start->Run->cmd), then navigate your folder system (with cd commands) until you arrive in your snd2acm folder, then type the snd2acm command as per the snd2acm readme file.
Yeah i was openning it trough win exp.
So i followed your directions but i can't get anywhere else,it seems like it is still want to only search a way to file and don't want to make any commands...(sorry if i'm doing something really dumb there,i'm really amatuer in this...)

Ok, here ya go. All you need. Open the archive and extract files to the folder where you have your wav's or acm's you want to covert.

ACMConv.exe - gui tool for acm2wav. Self-explanatory.

wav2acm.bat - you start to covert wav2acm format. Automated for you.
After bat is finished, press any key to close the black command line window. This bat will convert all the files with extension wav in the folder to acm.

Enjoy. All should work.
kill n die said:
So i followed your directions but i can't get anywhere else,it seems like it is still want to only search a way to file and don't want to make any commands...(sorry if i'm doing something really dumb there,i'm really amatuer in this...)

I get a funny feeling you didn't read the readme file :P

Though Drobovik already provided you with a more friendly tool, for future reference:

When you're in your snd2acm folder, you need to have the files you want to convert there too. Type in:
snd2acm filename1.mp3 filename1.acm
Press Enter. Ta-da!
Drobovik said:

Ok, here ya go. All you need. Open the archive and extract files to the folder where you have your wav's or acm's you want to covert.

ACMConv.exe - gui tool for acm2wav. Self-explanatory.

wav2acm.bat - you start to covert wav2acm format. Automated for you.
After bat is finished, press any key to close the black command line window. This bat will convert all the files with extension wav in the folder to acm.

Enjoy. All should work.
WOW it works mate! Thank you so much!
Btw i would like to ask last thing,is there any possible way how to separate Minigun,m60,lsw etc. sound? So they would all have different sounds,not the same,where can i do or find such command ?
kill n die said:
Btw i would like to ask last thing,is there any possible way how to separate Minigun,m60,lsw etc. sound? So they would all have different sounds,not the same,where can i do or find such command ?

You need to add new sound effects for these guns. Gun sounds are identified by their name starting with W, and using various characters to differentiate between various weapon sfx. See here for more information.

There are still unused characters available that you could use for new sfx, e.g. T, ! or _. According to the information in the abovementioned FAQ, any ASCII character should work, so I guess at least some of these would be fine:
%, ^, &, (, ), -, =, +, [, ], {, }, ;

You make new sound effects, you register them with regsnd (a neat program for registering sounds in the Fallout system - look for it in the files section here, on NMA), then you need to edit the weapon protos. The best tool for that is Cubik's F2wedit (also in the NMA files section). It's pretty simple - you just select the sound you want from the drop down list and voila :)
so i made these

they are in SNDLST
i even edited proto trough f2wedit but still nothing changed...
the edit M60 proto is supposed to be in master.dat/proto/items 00000387.PRO ??
I'm kinda lost in this part eh...
Also when i close f2wedit and open it it shows that the sound is "changed" using 43 (+ for ASCII)...so why it isn't working?
kill n die said:
the edit M60 proto is supposed to be in master.dat/proto/items 00000387.PRO ??
I'm kinda lost in this part eh...
Also when i close f2wedit and open it it shows that the sound is "changed" using 43 (+ for ASCII)...so why it isn't working?

The edited proto should be in data/proto/items.
The only thing that comes to my mind that could cause the problem is that you haven't deleted/renamed patch000.dat in your Fallout 2 folder. Is that the case?

patch000.dat overrides anything that you may have edited for the game. Hope this helps.
Ardent said:
kill n die said:
the edit M60 proto is supposed to be in master.dat/proto/items 00000387.PRO ??
I'm kinda lost in this part eh...
Also when i close f2wedit and open it it shows that the sound is "changed" using 43 (+ for ASCII)...so why it isn't working?

The edited proto should be in data/proto/items.
The only thing that comes to my mind that could cause the problem is that you haven't deleted/renamed patch000.dat in your Fallout 2 folder. Is that the case?

patch000.dat overrides anything that you may have edited for the game. Hope this helps.
Nope,to tell truth there isn't such patch (file),as i remember there was instaled some unoficial patch manualy,but anyway i use the FO2 only for use of critters and master.dat for FOnline...so everything that is changed in FO 2 (data folder) is supposed to ingame and in FOnline (after copying files to it's folder) too...