RE: we were not making the game for the Fallout 1 or 2 enthu
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-02 AT 03:49AM (GMT)[p]>No, this statement was made about
>the possibility of more genre
Uhhh.... Yeah, like that worked so well with X-Com......
I can't wait until Interplay release:
1) Fallout Shopping Adventures
Loosely based on the idea of "Barbie's Shopping Adventures". Players get to walk around a supermarket buying all sorts of wonderful guns whilst trying to stick to a budget!!
2) Descent Fallout
Just like "Descent Freespace", descent will have absolutely nothing to do with this title....
3) Fallout 3D
An FPS based on the Fallout atmosphere. NOTE: About the only game that *might* have a slim chance of working... Although... That's what they probably thought about the X-com FPS...
4) Fallout Grand Theft Auto
Drive around a ruined, wasted city and run over ghouls!! Wild hollywood style driving. Take jobs from the New Reno mafia bosses and do your best to avoid the NCR police....
5) Fallout-craft
Think Starcraft meets Fallout... Play as one of 3 races, Ghouls, Super Mutants or Humans. Build up your resources and conquer them all!!
6) Fallout Civilization
Lead your tribe through the wastes, settle your cities and build a civilization. Conquer the world or build a spaceship to Alpha Centauri. Or... Achieve victory by terra-forming the planet back to its pre-nuclear war state!
Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)