Weapon damage spread - Whats hexes?


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Okay, since I'm making the new attack FRMs for the original FO2 critters I need to know how the games chooses what hexes are hit by each attack mode.

Single Shot - One hex
Burst shot - multiplae hexs
Continious fire - multiplae hexs

Since the crossbow will be using the spare rifle attack, which is the continious fire attack method does this mean that it will hit mulitple hexes instead of just the selected target?

All the other new weapons I area mking will be fine but the crossbow shoudl only hit one hex, unless I say its a 'multiple dart thrower' that fires a spread or arrows :lol:
Doesnt matter as you would want a gas cloud or spray gun to effect multiple hexes.

This is the main reason why I have 'invented' new weapons that have this sort of effect. Its only becuase the rifle is the clossest looking thing to a crossbow that i am using that, or I would just use the spare 'single shot minigun' slot.

But at this stage we cant make new weapon base types only take advantage of the unused ones.

If you want the gas gun you amde to only hit one person the best option would be to make it a new projectile