Weapon FRM's can't decide.


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
I'm finishing up my little mod. I'm actually done with the weapon's today (or am I?).

I re-made or created them so that they would resemble Real Life weapons more for example the Enfield Rifle and Enfield LSW.

I'd like some people to tell me if their good enough and if they can do a much better job then me then well I'd like to see it.

Anyway let's start:

Bazooka Upgrade


(Small subtle change, nothing big)


Sniper rifle .308 variant


(Also not too many changes)


Mossberg 500


(Should fit in perfectly as a pump action shotgun)


Pancor Jackhammer


(Just removed the terrible looking smurf part)




(Made it a few days ago not sure if it fits as well as the shotgun)




(Finished making it today, the original M-60 looked worse then shit, it didn't even resemble a real life M60. So I made some changes, I wanted to give it a much more RL look yet keep it a slightly bit different)


Japanese Sword



(Can't decide... perhaps the second one what do you think?)


G11 both variants



(Much more like the RL G11 without that idiotic looking box, the hell was it anyway? Another Mag? The weapon has already visible mag in the front, why add some box in the back? Seems like someone should check out the real G11 and caseless ammo)




(Added the scope it's superposed to have... made a few versions too, but couldn't decide. Anyway I thought this was was the best. If anyone wants to edit it to make it resemble the RL CAWS better, go head)


Gatling Laser


(Personally there was too much red for me and I have other reasons)





(The lame looking scopes where pissing me off although... I guess I could have done a better job with the first one. Anyone wanna take a take a whack at it?)






(Finally looking better, I was working on them for a few days and I think I finally made a really good looking scope, there where too few of them in vanilla, especially the good ones)


.223 Pistol


(Just slight changes)


14.0mm Gun


(5mm? What? 14mm? What? There are no such ammunitions, and the closest one to 14 is the 14.5 large anti tank round, slightly bigger then a .50 Cal BMG so the clip size and the gun size had to be made bigger + I can now make the Bozar use some more proper ammo)

And that's pretty much everything.
Use this one, but remove the silencer-like thing:


The mossberg is very cool (I'm starving for a pump-action shotgun since 1997 lol), but the bareel is waaay too big, make it bit shorter.

Better not touch the .223, it's holy stuff you know...
Makenshi said:
Use this one, but remove the silencer-like thing:


The mossberg is very cool (I'm starving for a pump-action shotgun since 1997 lol), but the bareel is waaay too big, make it bit shorter.

Better not touch the .223, it's holy stuff you know...

No, no I want to use both G11's since the first one is accurate, second night vision, besides it resembles a RL G11 quite well.


If only the weapons had some assassination perk for stealth...

As for the shotgun - hmm well I don't know it's a certain perspective, artistic thing where the end of the barrel is moved slightly more towards you. Still should be looking fine in-game. Actually a lot of those look kinda better in-game. Hmm should make some screen-shots.
I'd agree with the shotgun: even with perspective, it looks too long; it would be unwieldy (and stick out of the bottom of my raincoat). :oops: Maybe shorten the barrel about 10-20%? Sword: I like the shading and shape best on the first one, but the pixelation on the top line is distracting. :? On the CAWS: is the scope supposed to look tilted off-center toward the left side (from operator PoV)? If so, it looks fine. I like the gatling laser and the bottom AK. :ok: The rest seem fine to me, too.

And if I tried my hand at any of these, it'd take days and still look like crap. So keep up the good work. :-)

Damn... your right about the CAWS. Still thinking about the shotgun too... It took so much work to make it. My hand shivers every time when I think of changing it. I still have to think about this, but I improved the CAWS (I hope):


And the Enfield Rifle:


Better? Worse?
I like the changes on most of them except the CAWS about the Enfield Rifle I dunno but from the swords I like the first one
This is how the real H&K CAWS looks.


As you can see the scope is not raise up which made the weapon look lame since your not aiming at the sky.

You aim at your target. Which is why it needs to be pointed directly at your enemy.

As for the Enfield's just take a look at the real ones.



(Attached a better scope to my version)



Pretty much the same looks. Like Older Brother/Younger Brother.

The weapons need to look similar in their own Falloutish way. Mainly because of the palette.
I got too pissed off while making the last scope so I simply copied it and changed the rifle a bit. So anyway Enfield Rifle:


It rocks. Nice, accurate gun for chars with not too much STR. Bullpup design and a very accurate scope.

I also made a few screenshots if your wondering how some weapon FRM's look in-game.

http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd313/Patrycjusz/Fallout 2 evolved/scr00006.jpg

http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd313/Patrycjusz/Fallout 2 evolved/scr00004.jpg

http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd313/Patrycjusz/Fallout 2 evolved/scr00002.jpg

http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd313/Patrycjusz/Fallout 2 evolved/scr00001.jpg

(Just FRM's for now)
The CAWS does look better; I think it's partly a trick of the perspective making the scope look a tad tilted, still. From a full side profile, it looks like the front end of the scope slants down at a 45 degree angle, yes? (Unlike the H&K pic you posted.) That part looks fine now; it's the shadow on the back end (where the back mount post would be) that's coming in at a sharper angle than the front end mount. If that shadow were more vertical, that could solve the off-center appearance issue. (It also looks a bit off b/c the shadow's soft-edged, which doesn't match the sharper edge of the rest of the scope's shadow. Maybe sharpening the shadow or just seeing the back mount point more clearly would make it work... not sure.)

The other thing with the CAWS is the barrel; the perspective lines with the rest of the weapon make it look like either the business end of the barrel is too wide, or else where it's coming out of the housing looks too narrow. Might just decrease the angle between the top and bottom lines on the barrel, widening it a tad at the attached end?

As for the shotgun, what about cutting a small segment out of the barrel right at the end of the magazine and sliding the barrel back ten or twenty pixels? It might be pretty quick to shorten it that way and might still look good, perspective-wise. (The shotgun barrel doesn't appear to flare out like the CAWS does.)

Just some ideas. :-)

I'm afraid I won't touch the pump action shotgun. If you want you really can just take a whack at it. It took too much work and my heart can't take another night without sleep.

Anyway. I re-made the CAWS


Should be pretty much perfect now.

Did some work on the FN-FAL's too.

HPFA and the rest.



CAWS looks good now :-) Too bad about the shotgun, but hell ... maybe pre-war, some company made ridiculously long shotguns for the hell of it, and they became popular. :-) Hey, it's Fallout! Anything can happen!

I could see some humorous-innuendo dialog trees open up when you're a male character holding the shotgun and talking to a female character (or other combos)... hehe
