Weapon visual mods?


Still Mildly Glowing
Are there any mods to change the visual appearance of weapons in Fallout 2 to be more diverse and realistic instead of just categorized and lumped? A Sniper Rifle is so awkward appearing like a hick shotgun, especially when you're wearing Power Armor. It's a bit annoying, actually. >>;
Nice idea, but look at the NPC Armor thread to see how much work it would involve. You'd need to make/edit every frame of every animation (standing idle, walking, firing, possibly burst firing, wielding, unwielding), for all six facings, for all eight armors (none, robes, leather jacket, leather armor, metal, combat, power, advanced power). That's a lot of frames.
Kanhef said:
Nice idea, but look at the NPC Armor thread to see how much work it would involve. You'd need to make/edit every frame of every animation (standing idle, walking, firing, possibly burst firing, wielding, unwielding), for all six facings, for all eight armors (none, robes, leather jacket, leather armor, metal, combat, power, advanced power). That's a lot of frames.

So you're saying I should con a friend of mine who's amazingly skilled at that sort of thing to do it for me?

But really, I was more asking if there WAS one.

Note: By amazingly skilled, I mean amazingly skilled. Within a period of a few months, he basically redid Ragnarok Online with professional-looking custom class and weapon sprites, though I don't know what happened with the project.
Grimhound said:
So you're saying I should con a friend of mine who's amazingly skilled at that sort of thing to do it for me?
I think that's a good principle under any circumstances. ;)