what chance FO3?


I was just curious if anyone has heard anything recent on a possible Fallout 3? The speculation page seems a bit dated. Is it alive? Dead? or collecting dust on someone's shelf?
It isn't for the very near future. They do keep dangling the proverbial carrot in front of our noses though. I hate them for that.


Nunc ut nunquam
there is a definate chance for fallout 3. my best friend works at interplay and says FO3 will come AFTER another fallout tactics game. i dont know much about the dates, but they are going to make at least 2 more fallout games.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-02 AT 02:42AM (GMT)[p]>there is a definate chance for
>fallout 3. my best friend
>works at interplay and says
>FO3 will come AFTER another
>fallout tactics game. i dont
>know much about the dates,
>but they are going to
>make at least 2 more
>fallout games.

*sniff, sniff*

What's that I smell? Oh, yes, it's a heaping load of...BULLSHIT!

I'd suggest you drop the spade or go find another place to shovel around that crap.
No chance of that happening.

It's finally taken them until recently to admit that "Fallout 2 wasn't as good as it could have been".
MacPlay has just recently released FO2 for Mac... while they've still got it hot under their fingers, who knows... Naw, commercial game companies don't do that. Who am I kidding.