What do you use to compress AVI vid files?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I use Fraps and it records really good quality & then I use windows live movie maker to upload it to youtube. The quality goes to sh!t when it gets uploaded on youtube, what is the best I can compress my video's down to for youtube from avi?

Here is a example, a WoW pvp test vid I uploaded


The quality sucks.
I use After Effects or Premier, both are industry standards and have a wide range of compression options including ones for internet sites.

I did use Movie Maker in the my first year of University as I didn't have the two above programs but that wasn't a good idea as it's compression is a bit crap.
If you want a decent free transcoding application, check out MediaCoder. Youtube accepts h264-encoded video files, which have a great size:quality ratio, so try using that format.