What does Mig mean?


Ahoy, ye salty dogs!
The russian fighters are called Mig, does it stand for something, or is it just Mig? What does it mean anyway?

Also, does the F in F-22 etc mean fighter? Just confirming :mrgreen:
MIG is an accronym short for Mnnaphtm Iggeri Grovinska It's russian for Really Fast Airplane

And the F does indeed mean Fighter, B is bomber, C is cargo
Elissar said:
MIG is an accronym short for Mnnaphtm Iggeri Grovinska It's russian for Really Fast Airplane
You do know that a lot of Russian-speakers frequent this forum, right? Nice try though. Teaches people to do their own research using trustworthy sources :P

It actually stands for "Mikoyan i Gurevich" (Mikoyan and Gurevich), two of the guys involved in the construction of the first MiG planes. It's also a play with language, because the word "mig" means a moment, an instant. Good name for a fast plane.
fedaykin said:
You do know that a lot of Russian-speakers frequent this forum, right? Nice try though. Teaches people to do their own research using trustworthy sources :P.

Hey, he fell for it, and it's not like he didnt pretty much beg to get false information. If he wanted the full unadulterated truth he would have just looked it up on wikipedia.

And to be fair, everything i said not relating to mig's was accurate.

You lied to me? Arrrrrgh! Run, Boris, because when I get my rusty machete you'll need some anti-tetanus vaccine and lots of stimpacks!!! :evil:

@fedaykin: thanks for the accurate info; I just asked here on NMA because I know there are russian people here. There's no crime in not always googling stuff, right? ;)
Well then, welcome to teh Internetz!

Seriously, it took me 10 seconds to find out what "MiG" stands for.