[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-22-02 AT 02:39AM (GMT)[p]There's a news post about it on the main page... I think? Buried a few weeks back. You might have to check the news archive.
My general understanding is that it's died.
Here we go: News archive, September, 2002.
Static Update (real one) by Odin - 15:35 - Comment Me (0) - News Source: Willian Fox
Well now, good old Bill is alive and kicking. I just got an email from him about Static, well I'll just let you guys read:
We've been running from the thought that Static was put on hold until further notice (none of us want that). But after being pushed aside for lack of funding, and time- and the need for most of us to continue to make a living, it looks like Static is just that- on hold.
Our original intent for this demo was to use it as a portfolio piece or avenue to garner more contract gigs. We all agreed to work on this for free, knowing that if it was done well enough we could get jobs, and perhaps a little boost in our freelance life. Although we had always wished in the back of our minds that it could go further, and see Static as we saw it in our head (on store shelves everywhere) it doesnt look very probable at this time.
The entire team and I still feel that there are many unique aspects in the game that the genre, overall, desperately needs. Those features may not see the light of day in Static- but as the rest of us move forward, they will be considered for every opportunity that arises. You can be sure to see more games in the future that exist in the same humorous post-apocalyptic setting we have all come to love and adore in games such as Fallout. Its just a matter of patience.
Or- get up and give your hand at it! Most of the team who put Static together had NO game experience. You just need a clear plan and vision, and work with the same goal in mind. Remember- the big dollar corporations can still be rivaled with the smaller "garage" games.
Truly sad news....Well, we do hope that you guys pick up Static again and finish what you started (yes, that's an order!).
Update: Oh and about the Static forums, they intend to put it up online again soon, hopefully within a week or so..
Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)