What is your favorite part

That "democracy" vault. I didn't even stumble across it until like my third playthrough and I thought it was really neat.
I'd have to agree with courier on this one. Finding out what happened in that vault was a fulfilling experience.
Simply put...assassinating Caesar right in the middle of his own tent.

Alesia said:
Simply put...assassinating Caesar right in the middle of his own tent.


that was rather unrewarding. You do that and then some NPC's shout "You bastard! Oh. Uh. He'll live on in our spirits."

I'd have to say the end of Lonesome Road. Non-DLC wise, probably when you have to assassinate the leader of the NCR, that hover jet was pretty awesome.
Honestly i really like the early game. It's tough, and it feels like a fight for survival. It was the same with FO1&2 for me. Of course the early game always feels a bit repetetive because your choices are limited ... but it also feels like the part of the game that's tight, and not bloated. Like it got more attention and work to make it that much better.
Along the same lines as Josan12. Early game, before my character is ultimate deathmachine. And Dead Money, when I have to use anything what I can get my hands on just to survive. After awhile my character has piles and piles of stuff, so much I don't know what I should do with it. And all skills are so high, that there is just no challenge left.

Edit. Basically developing the character and roleplaying him. The quests themselves are quite irrelevant.
Have to agree, Love the early game of all the Fallout series. The early character building is a great.

Especially in fallout 2 where the early game can be real tough, if you dont steal from NPC's pretty much everything is hard to come by, unless you get a lucky Caravan fighting off some raiders Encounter. Whoohoo, the caravan master is dead, i can join in now!
Alesia said:
Simply put...assassinating Caesar right in the middle of his own tent.


Assasinating? Nah i slayed the whole camp and then when it was only the great Ceasars tent left i strategicly put my followers (it was ed-e and four humanoids then) a bit from the opening slighly below the hill the tent was put on. I then put probably around 150 mines of varying forms in a large heap just outside the opening and a ring of plasma mines around the heap.

Then I went in alone, punched ceasar in the face with my fist, ran out, precisly made it over the edge of the hill outside the entry and then heard the sweet sound of 150 mines exploding when his Praetorian guard came rushing after me. about half of them died and the rest got really wounded and crippled, they were easy bait for my loyal companions. Then I just walked in and slayed the great emperor.
Running through Cottonwood Cove, murdering all the legion there (with a chainsaw), then fighting my way through the fort (also with a chainsaw) to finally reach Ceasar at the top, only to throw a holy hand grenade into his tent, destroying everything. Good times...good times...
It's already been said, but everything prior to meeting Yes-Man: it feels so much more survivalist and gritty. You're a man shot in the head, walking the Mojave as genocide and war threaten to break out. You feel a *bit* more like just another survivor in a pregnant age.

Suddenly, when you get out of the Tops, you're determining the fate of whole societies and nations... very sudden.
To be honnest i get bored quite easy with NV due to the world/map being quite boring.. But i do love taking on the deahtclaws in sloan at low lvl or the sanctuary at not so low lvl :P

But the next time i start up the game again i will probably have so many mods that the game will be a challenge once again! Hopefully.
Clearing Vault 3 out of the Fiends
Boone's and Arcade's sidequests
Confrontation with Lanius
Scoring big money on Caravan after I learned how to play it and gathered quite a deck
Doing quests in Freeside (I enjoyed them more than faction oriented quests, made me feel like a mercenary)
In no particular order:

Waking up in Doc's office.
Meeting the Legion for the first time.
Finding out who sold Boone's wife
Meeting Jason Bright.
Meeting Veronica
Entering the Strip and Meeting House
Killing Benny in his bed and eating his corpse afterwards.
Veronica and Arcade's sidequests
Blowing up the Brotherhood's Bunker after joining them
Meeting Yes Man
Seeing the Enclave Remnants in the Second Battle of Hoover Dam
Confronting Lanius
Shooting a grenade in some poor sap's hands via VATS.
Vault 11

Huh? Yes, I do like this game. Why do you ask? :|