What is your gamer tag for xbox?


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
Im not sure if a thread has ever been made on this but i would like to know your gamer tag so maby some time we could play?

mine is ::DARKWAT3R:: (It would have been Killian Darkwater)

i play:
Ghost Recon 2
Rainbow 6 3
Counter Strike
Halo 2

Sorry, just made me laugh. No offence, but I don't put much stock in consoles, and this... this is just... :lol:

"Hey, what's your pokemon's element, maybe we can team up and defeat my neighbour's brat's pokemons - they're teh EVIL!!".
Your right and i am prolly going to catch shit for it later.......:D

:twisted: would you like to trade a Charrizard for a Pikachu??? we can meet up some time LOL
My gamertag is Host Busters , add me if you want to play some Team Slayer on Halo 2.

*Waits for Roshambo to come in and say "Xbrick"*

I play Halo 2 for the most part, Dead or Alive Ultimate a little bit, and I'm going to pick up Chaos Theory eventually.
X-Box Live

So I recently got X-Box live (plz flame now), and I was wondering if any other NMAers had accounts.

Thusfar it's been a pretty fun time. I haven't encountered any cheaters and I haven't encountered that many 12 year olds telling me that my "mom sucks ding-dong."

So. Anyone up for a little Halo 2? Post your gamertags! I'm "themonocle"
Your mom sucks ding dong.

So you got a freebie card, or finally ponied up the cash?
Freebie card and a mic. I'm absolutely broke.

I'll pick up the year-long subscription card when I have the funds.
I think Im gonna wait for Xbox2 to come out at the end of the year,but they plan on making Xbox games for a couple more years even after Xbox2 comes out,so you should have plenty of gaming goodness in store for yourself.
Halo 2 is fun on X-box live... but i cant play it without thinking to myself that i could wipe the floor with 90 percent of the punks out there if only i could play them from my computer with a mouse.
Mine is, Host Busters

go ahead and add me if you want to play some team slayer

I'm not too into skirmish but I'll fuck around on big team battle, mainly TS
Re: X-Box Live

Malkavian said:
So. Anyone up for a little Halo 2? Post your gamertags! I'm "themonocle"
Aktins Diet said:
Its the same name as my XBL acount for my xbox. I have it on everything. Its even my nickname.
and yes, its AKTINS, not ATKINS
Heh.. :)