What is...?

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Okay, another question for you guys. More of an opinion though.

First.. What do you think Frank is? When you kill him.. His armor has no thickness, and his arms are green... I'm thinking super mutant?

Second... The Master, what do you think he is? I honestly have no idea.. Though he is kinda big.. Considering he's all over the vault.
>Second... The Master, what do you
>think he is? I honestly
>have no idea.. Though he
>is kinda big.. Considering he's
>all over the vault.

Hasn't this question been solved? The master is Richard Grey, a member of a BOS expedition, who fell into a vat with mutagenic serum in The Glow. From the fact that he speaks in several voices, I can assume that The Master also contains what have previosly been the other members of the expedition. I don't remember their names, but you can find them out. Study the fo1 texts for more information.

~Dr. W95
the Super-Puper Admin
Oh, hey. I guess I missed that, sorry.

Been awhile since I played FO1, and didn't pay as much attention to detail as I do in FO2.
When you talk to Harold in the HUb he goes on about how smart Richard Grey was, then on the computers in the Military base bottom floor, it has the diary of Richard Grey which you can download to PIP. It makes so much sense that I decided to try and copy him, it's harder than it looks.

Are you sure that it was a BOS expedition? Harold said that the whole reason that they went to the base was because the caravans he was guarding kept being attacked by mutants.

Plus, the BOS just kinda sealed themselves in the bunker on Lost Hill and became hermits. If they had known about the base, they would've taken it out, or at the very least it would've been somewhere in their holy writ and they wouldn't have needed you as a scout.

After all, they knew more about the glow than anyone on the wastes, and no one had been there for a long time.


The master is a bit of a mystery really. I think that he was exsposed to the FEV multiple times. He was in the base for a while so if there was a leak at that time and the Fev spread in a gasseous form like was suggested way back when then he could have mutated more. The master wasn't tough but imagine if every vault citezen went through the same process and each turned out like the master. That would be pretty tough to beat although you could just not go to the vault. In closing can the master actually move or is he stationary i now that he sits in the OS seat but could he move without it.

And Horrigian is a sort of super mutant, He had the FEV virus tested on him and i think he also had robotic implants. It actually turned out something the Enclave liked. I think it worked because he was intelegeant like the problem with super mutants and so the diffreance between the master and the Lou and ordinary super mutants. Was he soooo intelegeant, even more so than the master so that he evolved further or was the virus modiufed ove time or by the Enclave in between. If the Enclave were more intelegeat. Instead of imagining a vault of Masters imagine a Rig of Horrigians now that would be tough. Or at least tougher

"It seems that while some can heed the call and rise above it all most just run away, but no matter how many rise above the masses will always destroy them right.-Marcus Fallout 2
yes, I'm pretty sure. The info is on the disc you get in order to complete the BOS quest. Moreover, the Glow appears to be the place where BOS has come from

~Dr. W95
the Super-Puper Admin
I think I know what you're talking about, but doesn't the BOS tape that you find on lvl 1 of the glow refer to a different expedition, one by U.S. Army soldiers to the West Tech research facility (otherwise known as the glow?)

Harold's expedition infiltrated the Mariposa Military Base (otherwise known as the military base). That's how Gray fell in the vats in the first place.


Well, I just remember that when I first read the Glow holodisk I somehow made sure that the BOS came from the glow. It's possible that I misunderstood something, but I can't check it again now, cuz I haven't got fallout1 installed. Perhaps if someone posts the contents of the disk, we could discuss it together.

~Dr. W95
the Super-Puper Admin
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-00 AT 10:51AM (GMT)[p]>Perhaps if someone posts the contents of the disk, we could >discuss it together.

No problemo. Fallout history just happens to be my field of specialty; I have copied most holodisks into text format on a disk. (Man, I have toooo much free time...)

Well, here goes:

Capt. Maxson was right. This place is death. I'm writing this so that if we don't make it back, someone, some day, might find out what happened to us.

We mad it to West Tek Research Facility after 20 days of hell. But that was the easy part. The radiation levels began to shoot up as soon as we could see the giant crater. We checked our supplies and figured with our armor and our anti-rad supplies we'd be fine for at least a day of exploring. We felt it was a calculated risk, but the technology we had the potential of recovering was worth it.

We climbed down the crater to the first level and everything seemed to be according to plan. The power was off, so we didn't need to circumvent the security. Or so we thought. There wasn't much of value on this level, so we pushed on.

The second level was more of the same.

When Jensen dropped to the third level, all hell broke loose. The security sensors had been burned out on the first two levels, but not on the third. Jensen was cut to ribbons before he knew what had happened. We'd never seen weapons cut through power armor like that. Men started dropping right and left, and the ones who were still alive lost it. I tried to regroup, but only Soto and Camarillo made it back up here to the first level with me.

The fact that I can smell Soto's burning flesh where his arm was taken of means that my powerarmor is no longer air tight, so I'm sucking up a lot more rads than I had planned on. I'm leaking hydraulics at an alarming rate. We need to get far enough away from this place before my armor dies.

Camarillo seemed fine physically, but he wandered of about an hour ago, mumbling something about Gehenna. That bastard has all the anti-rad.

That leaves Soto and myself. We can't make it far enough away from here without the anti-rads, so I've got to try to find Camarillo before it's too late.

Sgt. D. Allen, United States Armed Forces


Well, there it is.

Sorry to respond to my own post, but it just didn't seem right to say this in the same post I put up the holotape on.

Since I haven't been through my BOS archives in a long time, I can't quite remember the exact location that the Brotherhood originated from. I think it may have been inditerminate. It may have been another military base. It could very well have been the glow, as you say.

What I was saying, though, doesn't involve where the brotherhood came from, but rather where Harold's expedition came from. I had always thought that they had just mounted an expedition to stop mutants from assaulting their caravans. Now, though, you've got me curious...

Please tell me where you got the idea that Harold's expedition was associated with the Brotherhood of Steel. Perhaps I've overlooked something.

Hmm, I'm sorry but I think I was talking about some other holodisk. This doesn't seem to have the info I considered. Perhaps if you'd bother to email the master.dat/text/english/game/pipboy.msg from Fallout1, I'll manage to find the proof.

>Please tell me where you got
>the idea that Harold's expedition
>was associated with the Brotherhood
>of Steel. Perhaps I've overlooked

Well here you go.

Capt. Maxson was right. This place is death. I'm writing this so that if we don't make it back, someone, some day, might find out what happened to us.

Either I have messed something up, or Macson was the name of the general in the BOS.

~Dr. W95
the Super-Puper Admin
Thanx, but I don't see what Maxson had to do with Richard Gray or Harold.

And, about the master.dat, I can't seem to extract from it. I know that you're Mr. Mod-Man, and you can probably help me out with this.

>Thanx, but I don't see what
>Maxson had to do with
>Richard Gray or Harold.
Well, that's just a slight hint to suggest us a suspicion of some connection existing between BOS and the expedition. Such hints form the atmosphere of the game.

>And, about the master.dat, I can't
>seem to extract from it.
>I know that you're Mr.
>Mod-Man, and you can probably
>help me out with this.

Well, the fastest way will be downloading f2re from http://www.thevats.f2s.com/files/utils/dat/dat.php3 and executing the followig command: f2re.exe [your fallout dir]\master.dat -s pipboy.msg

If you experience troubles, then you might want to try one of those GUI unpackers.

~Dr. W95
the Super-Puper Admin
http://www.thevats.f2s.com |[link:www.vault13.net/cgi-bin/AutoRankPro/rankem.cgi?action=in&id=doctor|Fallout Top 25]|

"Êîììóíèçì åñòü ñîâåòñêàÿ âëàñòü ïëþñ ýëåêòðèôèêàöèÿ âñåé ñòðàíû"
Harold asscoiated with the BOS? not unless you assciate the BOS with the vault that Harold came from. I don't know where Grey came from though. I assumed he was with Harold.

remeber i'm resident BOS expert seen as my Roleplay and Fan Fiction characters are all from the BOS

"It seems that while some can heed the call and rise above it all most just run away, but no matter how many rise above the masses will always destroy them right.-Marcus Fallout 2
It was not the glow it was the military base, and Richard was the only surviving member of the expedition, except for Harol, the mutant in old town.
No, the military base must be where the BOS came from, and it was not a BOS expedition, it was because Harold got his carvans robbed by mutants.

Respect every one, fear no one.
You'll have to forgive my gradual response, my crappy Internet has been down for three days. Well, that being said, I'm going to need some time to gather my info...

-I'm not a pessimist, I just think realistically
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-00 AT 00:24AM (GMT)[p]You guys are all sooo wrong. Listen and learn :)

The BOS. It originated from a group of survivors from when the Glow blew up. CAPTAIN Maxson was the leader of that group. GENERAL Maxson, who is CAPTAIN Maxson's GRANDSON, is the CURRENT (per FO1) leader of the BOS. So there are TWO Maxsons. Don't mix them up. (Sorry for all the caps but it had to be expressed)

RICHARD GREY aka THE MASTER, and his company, is a completely different story with absolutely no connection to the BOS, except from that West Tek (the Glow) was the place where they began developing the FEV.

The MILITARY BASE was the place where they TESTED OUT the FEV. Later on, the whole FEV research project was moved to the MB. They tested the FEV on volunteers from the military.

THE GLOW, if you haven't gotten it yet, was West Tek research facility, the leading research center in the US in the 2070's. They developed the FEV to use as a protection against biological weapons. The Glow was, to put it in the words of Nicole, saturated with bombs to make sure the whole facility was blown up. But you knew that.

RUNE, the Arch-Norwegian

Bush is a chick
Albright's a guy
This poem is sick
And so am I
That pretty much sums it up.

Anyone interested in some history behind Grey/the master/mutants/FEV, I put it in another post on this board, don't remember the name though.

-I'm not a pessimist, I just think realistically