what makes"the fall"not a fallout game beside plot


It Wandered In From the Wastes
inderversly, (i have no idea what is that word) - 'the fall' has alot of its settings like the FO games!

so, beside the plot? isn't that a satisfactory release of orgazem :lol: :lol: getting that game instead of the isometric-never-gonna-be-fallout 3???


well, no. but why shouldn't it???


can some1 answer me?

i would say hah, because the developers aren't even tenth of BIS (no offense) (i mean, don't get in a large shoes before ..etc') .
but!! :idea:

maybe if we harass them well enough we can get them to do 'the fall' like a real post apoc game, without the mushy additions of people who only saw mad max.
That's like saying "if you keep hitting a monkey with a bat she'll write you 'King Lear' ". Some people just don't have a clue.
The biggest minus of The Fall is that, that it isn't turn based. But it will be probably a great game though.
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Let's give it a chance,mmkay.Maybe it is better than Fallout... :shock:

*instantly receives dispised by all reputation*
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so what if The Fall is not the sequel of Fallout. No one expects it to be liek that.
At least I don't
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lets just face it, theres goin to be quite a few games trying to imitate fallout but none of them will ever be as great, even if they do use the first part of the fallout name.
To_L1K said:
Well i respect the Fall, as it was made by people inspired by the Fallout sieries, and ive played SOA, and liked it alot, so i know that im gonna like this game..

Don't put all that trust into a developer mate....I thought I'd love Quake2 too just because of id's previous efforts and so on....
Not saying TF will be bad (I'm prob. expecting it as much as you do) just saying that you can't say it'll be good just becasue the previous game was good.....

El*Diablo said:
lets just face it, theres goin to be quite a few games trying to imitate fallout but none of them will ever be as great, even if they do use the first part of the fallout name.

Don't count The Fall as a clone just cause it happens to have Fall as a start and happening in a post-apoc world....judge it as its own game,like most games deserve to be....
I'm not expecting a Fallout from the fall,it doesn't mean I expect it to be a shitty game either...
From its looks and what I've read about it,it seems like a good game....adding to it that SSE are second to none when it comes to listening to fans and giving out info just makes me more interested....(go to their forum -if you haven't been their- and see how much they give to their fans....not to mention the threads asking for fan input where the best input will also make it into the game....very impressive and very focused on the community imho...)
....(go to their forum -if you haven't been their- and see how much they give to their fans....not to mention the threads asking for fan input where the best input will also make it into the game....very impressive and very focused on the community imho...)

Heh, I think they are really counting on that because when the game comes out everybody is likely to say
Everybody said:
God, this looks like Fallout
So SS are going to say "But the fans made it that way"
Maybe I'm just being overparanoid, but if someone disagrees, don't blame you