what mod is this?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
i am just wondering this pic and dunno what mod it could be in Fallout2
That's the Beta main menu screen.If you were carefull,you would have noticed that at the Bottom Right of the screen says Fallout 2 0.5
<strike>I actually like this one over the final.</strike> I'd like to test this one out in Fallout 2, but I don't have it on me PC and no time, no time...
It probably wouldn't be too much of a trouble to horizontal-flip the picture, convert it to .frm and use in Fallout 2 (providing the menu is at the same distance from top and side as final Fallout 2, just h-flipped).
Actually, thanks for clearing that up. It's been in the Gallery with the wrong description, I believe.

I trust no released version of Fallout 2 came with this one?