what war great war military like?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
i'd like to know how was army build. ratio of armored units/PAs/infantry, types and numbers, same for aviation and maritime units (ships, subs etc) of as much countries as you, the community can muster together. i am making extensive mod about fallout into hoi3 and all/any info would be invaluable.

so far i know this:
american army was infantry based army, with few APCs and tanks due to operation costs and with unknown numbers of PA being in service in cavalry brigades around the clock. there were several army groups, in china, alaska, canada, and several on the homefront. equipment on east coast and west coast was vastly different due to unknown reasons. total numbers of any army is unknown, probably close to real life US, being a little bit higher than that to cope with higher population.
US aviation-there were few types of fighters and CAGs, most probably utilising some sort of jet engine system. there were vertibirds in very limited numbers aviable to regular army, used in high interest areas. other than that there were probably some choppers also in service, but its unknown to what degree.
US ships-US had nuclear powered carriers, probably large amount of nuclear subs and screens

china-infantry based army with few armored units. no PA equivalent, as PAs were probably limited to US and its allies. had stealth technology, possibly based on alien designs. had little care for soldiers in field, expected to have millions of soldiers. had units in alaska and in china. from maps in F4 it seems like china had total controll of kamchatka and all rusian territory around atlantic-maybe i just didnt look enough.
aviation-had what appears to be long range bombers, high numbers. had some sort of fighter aircraft, unknown engine.
ships-had stealth cruisers, probably high numbers for such class of ship as they used them as "destroyers" probably had high numbers of screen ships too. had nuclear subs and spy subs all over US coast.

for other countries havent found anything yet, only that europe was battle ground of petty broken states and middle east was glass.
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