The following categories for both one and 2: Where would you like to live most in the post apoctolyptic world?
My choice is NCR, because it was the capital of a large state.
And it had indoor plumbing. In the 1st, the BOS base.
What city did you hate the most?
In one, necropolis. Damn ghouls always attacked me. In 2, broken hills. No matter what you do, place dies.
What annoyed you the most? (event in both games).
The way you couldn't save the deathclaws, no matter what.
Add all other questions if you want.
My choice is NCR, because it was the capital of a large state.
And it had indoor plumbing. In the 1st, the BOS base.
What city did you hate the most?
In one, necropolis. Damn ghouls always attacked me. In 2, broken hills. No matter what you do, place dies.
What annoyed you the most? (event in both games).
The way you couldn't save the deathclaws, no matter what.
Add all other questions if you want.