What were your favorite locations?

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The following categories for both one and 2: Where would you like to live most in the post apoctolyptic world?
My choice is NCR, because it was the capital of a large state.
And it had indoor plumbing. In the 1st, the BOS base.

What city did you hate the most?

In one, necropolis. Damn ghouls always attacked me. In 2, broken hills. No matter what you do, place dies.

What annoyed you the most? (event in both games).
The way you couldn't save the deathclaws, no matter what.

Add all other questions if you want.
Where I'd like to live:

In 1 :
I'd like to live in the hub. Lots of trade there.

In 2 :
In the Highwayman (the working one)

Place I hated the most :

1 : Shady Sands, the place was so boring.

2: Gecko. I couldn't move a muscle without being attacked.

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"Don't worry men, they can't hit us here"
hmm, i always liked new reno in FO2, but... i don't think i'd want to live there. maybe san fran if all the hubologists were gone.

i hated vault city the most because the people were so arrogant.

hmm, i always liked new reno in FO2, but... i don't think i'd want to live there. maybe san fran if all the hubologists were gone.

i hated vault city the most because the people were so arrogant.

In FO1, I would love to live with the Brotherhood of Steel. But my fav location was prolly the Hub. Lots of stuff going on there.

In FO2, I would like to live with the Brotherhood again. My fav place was prolly San Deigo, or New Reno
To live in FO? Vault 15 after it was restored properly to live in. Or maybe Junktown, nice little place in the middle of nowhere.

In FO2: SAD or New Reno.

Most hated places? Boring Shady Sands (which becomes Biggot NCR) and Vault City. Maybe Gecko for attacking me when I try to help them.

Most annoying things in both games? Not being able to take care of the Enclave in another way than killing everyone including Frankieboy.

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"Call me a vagabond, and I'll smile. Call me a thief, and I'll laugh. Call me a liar, and I feed you your liver."
My favorite place in Fallout 1: Bob's Iguana Bits
My favorite place in Fallout 2: Bob's Iguana Bits
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-01 AT 07:54AM (GMT)[p]In FO1 I'd probably like to live in the Hub and work for the Caravans..

In FO2 I'd live in the abandoned Raider Hideout.

I hated Vault City and there not being other ways to get to/defeat the Enclave.

I'd prob want to live in the Glow in fallout 1 :). Probably wouldnt get to many visitors to bug me when i want to be alone.

In fallout 2 i'd wanna live in redding. Lots of drugs there and an injured sheriff. Cant get much better than that.

Places i hated: Vault City, and Modoc
Yes, in terms of boring-ness, Modoc was the Shady Sands of Fallout 2.

fo2: I would like staying in Navarro after cleaning up.
If I couldn't do that (clean up) I would stay in
New Reno (rough place for rough people)

I hate vault city, you can't do anything

fo1: The Hub would be my favourite,
Necropolis would be the worst.

The bugs and all the errors were the worst thing through both of them...
where i'd like to live:

fallout1 - L.A boneyard, watch out for deathclaws :)
fallout2 - Modoc, its such a nice quiet place to live, or new reno :D

Place i hated the most:

fallout1 - Vault 13, overseer doesnt die....
fallout2 - borring klamath, done those quests wayyy to many times
the hub in Fallout one and for Fallout2 I would like to open up
a gun shop in New Reno.(I would just waste the other arms dealer
and take his house and nobody would notice). ;)

1: I hated shady sands
2: I hated modoc
In Fallout1: The Brotherhood (for they're security, cleanliness, plumbing, electricity, sweet free combat armor, and all around coolness)

In Fallout2: New Reno when I'm young (A great place to make some connections and get some street-smarts)
But I would retire in San Fran since they're not biggots, they have great medical technology, can buy myself some power armor :D and they have some powerful gauss-wielding security.

I Didn't like:
F1: Shady Sands (screw 'em, only good thing that came from there was the young tandi)
F2: The Den. Dont get me wrong, it was fun for awhile. But they're bad and not professional about it. Slavers run the place, won't be long until someone comes along and wipes them out.
>fallout1 - Vault 13, overseer doesnt die...

not extactly, you need bloody mess or bad karma and the bastard gets what he deserves.
1.Haven't played :-(
2.I'd like to live in New Reno as Man Made or in San Fran. they have the coolest equepment.
I hate VC (so many rules and they are f*****g biggots) & Modoc was boring.
The most annoying thing was bugs with my sweet Highwayman

P.S.I don't understand two things about you.
1.I wasn't atacked in Gecko
2.In Oil Rig(Enclanve) it's enough to kill only a few:Frank H.,
the President and a scientist by the mainframe computer(I think that's all).
In FO1, i wouldn've setteled down, i'd keep going around and saving pepole.
In FO2, i'd like to live in New-Arroyo(or something), of course!
Or maybe the Cafe of Broken Dreams.

In FO1, that bastard Set annoyed me above all else. "Dirt nap"???
In FO2, the bloody "presedent", and all other Enclavers.

I didn't like the BOS, either. Just like the Enclave and Vault City, got thier noses too high.

About the events... i didn't like the ending of FO1.
Most of the endings of FO2 are great. The best are in New Reno.
And the best of these are the new family and the Bishop child.
Man, did those make me laugh.
I'd live in junktown. Remember the first time you went there? it was so awesome. The boringest place was the entire northeastern part of f2 (modoc, gecko, vault city).

P.S. you can beat the enclave without killing anyone.
Where I'd Want to Live:
In FO1: Junktown. They dont cause much trouble so there's no worry about anyone coming to wipe them out.

In FO2: I'd want to join the Enclave and be stationed at Navarro. Job security, good equipment, gauranteed housing, the works.

Most Hated:
In FO1: Shady Sands. Most boring place on the map.

In FO2: NCR. Too developed and dominating. Sure to stir up the wrong person, trying to get them to join and get attacked and crushed.

What annoyed you most?
In FO1: Being forced to kill the raiders instead of being able to join them.
In FO2: ... Being forced to kill the raiders instead of being able to join them.

Places where I'd like to live:
FO1: BoS - They were safe, had their nice little complex in the southern portion of the central valley in California, and far from raiders, Deathclaws, and Ghouls(not that I'm prejiduced, only that they're radioactive and uncivil for the most part in FO1)

FO2: Probably NCR - Once again it's safe, and they're building civilization once again and they aren't racist a-holes about it. Plus they had uniformed police which is cool. There's a nice population as well which is comfortable (I don't want to be alone in the middle of wastes, thanks).

FO1: Nercropolis - First time around I was blundering through the game and I wanted to save the Ghouls but the Mutants wiped them out and I hadn't figured out how to repair their water pump (as I said, I was blundering, so I was worried more about the vault (which had only <100 days left) than morals)

FO2: Probably San Fran - despite it having the ever-popular Guass Rifle, I didn't enjoy being insulted by everyone and warned not to screw around. The quest for the spleen was a bit annoying and there weren't enough people to steal from (the lockers that the fighting masters had were empty! I was flabbergasted).

I think not being able to save Broken Hills was really disappointing, and then there were the raiders which I didn't take care of that made me feel ashamed. Or perhaps it was that I couldn't do the owner of the Cat's Paw before finishing the game. :/