What would you do?


First time out of the vault
Hi everyone
So the reason i make this thread is what would you do if you become one of the state/settlement leader?and what choices would you make to shape the falloutverse?
Let me first,If i become the first citizen of VC i would make Vault City to be a major Chem and Med importer and i would arm an army and then expand..to rival NCR

P.S This is my first thread yay! And my first account too..so im not a lurker m'kay:razz:
Hey there and welcome to NMA!!!

So I would probably become leader of Redding and make deals with all the factions, banning chems and building up a small professional army from the various funds gotten from mining.
I'd be the leader of a settlement in Fallout 4 and either make peace with or eradicate the super mutants or raiders, then tax traders using protected roads.