Konig15 said:
Excuse me? You come onto my forum, don't bother to read shit, and then presume to tell us what to do?
I loved Fallout, I loved Fallout II. I also love Star Wars and kitty cats but I'm not about to get into a barfight, virtual or otherwise over them.
Then perhaps you shouldn't have started it with your ignorance. Common sense, really.
Child, have you heard of 'ad homeniem'? Because you certainly do it with the best. It's where you attack someone instead of what they say. It does nothin for your argument and makes you look belligerent.
I only do that to those who first Argue by Ignorance. Which you have done so far more than I have ad hominem. Thank you for noting what little about debate that you know of, now don't even presume to be on the same level. You haven't even bothered to do the slightest bit of research, and you're trying to argue your ignorance upon us?
That's so stupid, it's tragic.
Now, I am not a Bethesda spambot, and that is what you are painting me out to be.
If it smells like shit...
I resent that. I want, nay, need, turn based combat back in Fallout III. I probably won't buy it if it's not. Believe me, as far as I know they didn't have ONE Fallout bigwig on staff to make sure Falllout III fits. That concerns me.
Then you might have noted that instead of sucking them off like a slack-jawed moron. Sloppy technique, but that's just how Todd likes them.
You missed a spot. On the chin. No, other side.
However, having sold millions of RPG related titles in the past decade, I think Bethesda deserves SOME credit. Not a lot, but some.
However, as I noted for your stupid ass previously, the people who MADE THE GAME SELL THOSE MILLIONS are NO LONGER THERE. Now it's just a shitty has-been series modded onto X-Box with an editor. Again, thank you for Argument by Ignorance, and a rather moronic straw man argument.
Now, very bluntly, there's more to gaming than the hard-core guys like you, and the hangers on like me. There's fresh meat to be had.
On the X-Box, for morons like you. Have you cared to look at what Bethesda has said? Have you even bothered to read any of the Fallout 3 info page? Obviously not, else you couldn't make any of these stupid remarks.
Isometric view is garbage these days, deal with it. There are good arguments for turn based combat, SPECIAL, the perks, etc. and those I think should be retained BECAUSE THEY ENHANCE GAMEPLAY.
Yet, you fail to understand the elements for what they are, not because they "enhance gameplay".
Oh, and isometric was used for a reason, and not just "garbage". Amusing that you fail to note why the element was used, and instead figure on "modernizing" the game when Fallout was a breath of fresh air from the old school that DIDN'T have any trendy shit in it, and it was done well, in the 90's. Now you're being regarded as a moron that decides that what Fallout stood for doesn't matter because you're a fucking moron.
P&P is a long way from Fallout III; it was a long way away from Fallout I, God be praised.
Heh, I think even the original developers, nice as they are, would take a moment to call you the most unbelievably dumbshit person to have ever insulted their work with idiocy such as that.
I have never played Ultima.
I have played about all three dozen related Ultima games. The same with Might and Magic, Wizardry, and many more that you in your insipid understanding have no hope of competing against. Including source code likely older than you are.
I have however played Final Fantasy and haven't been back because after VI and VII, they made VIII which had all the right elements, but lacked the fun of the former two.
Those are Adventure games, not RPGs, moron.
The way any game is constructed is only important insofar as it effects the gameplayer's experience.
Yeah, so if the experience is "a tabletop RPG on computer", as the developers were intending, doesn't that make you the dumbshit?
That's why I'm against Isometric View: it only distracts. It was fine for Fallout, but we needn't go back there.
Again, your ignorance. And then you argue upon it, just like you lied about, which technically makes you an idiot.
Let us agree; Morrowind is an RPG, it is not MUCH of an RPG.
No, it isn't. There aren't any story-altering devices worth speaking about.
I played mostly with mods, so I had companions; there were none as such in the original.
Good for you.
Walking everywhere was no fun, and a CRPG is no fun without branching diolouge. Shit I know these things, I understand your CONCERNS, just not the pessimism.
Then maybe you need to get a clue and remember to water it.
And as for the news, I'm not one to read up on the production; the only thing I'm looking at is five or six reviews to see if it's worth it.
Then if you're going to post ignorant shit, you're going to be regarded as ignorant shit.
Is Bethesda taking suggestions from us lowly players?
From those experienced in the industry? No, of course not. I already told you that Rolston left, you stupid fuck. Then again, Bethesda only cares about console trash about as bright as you. Go to their forums to continue sucking them off.
If so tell me where and I'll tell them exactly what I want. I'll post it here to if you wish.
With the idiocy you've already spewed, I'm sure that "as written and styled as if by a 50's science-fiction writer, set in an alternate universe" would have to be corrected and reminded to you at every mindless "point".
One is I want to be able to play White, Black, Asian, and Hispanic Humans whether or not the PC can be a robot ot Supermutant or Ghoul this time around. I know how Morrowind's race system works and THAT is a good idea to put into Fallout III.
Except in terms of story, and you expect Bethesda to put in branching race concerns when the best they've managed to come up with yet is "Go somewhere else <hated>."
You should really shut the fuck up and start reading unless you want this to get messy. Fair is fair, considering you're rude net trash that didn't bother to lurk beforehand, and so that makes you fair game.
But I bet you didn't even bother reading the rules before posting, and so I guess you've earned it.