Whats the cheapest POS laptop that'll run Fallout 1 and 2?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Being a long time PC user who recently switched to Mac for school reasons, I'm kinda stuck for using fallout because A: I can't find the mac version anywhere, and B: I've made plenty of mods for the PC version that I assume wouldn't be compatable.

So does anyone know where I can find a good source for a cheap, old laptop that'd run the games? I have a few other old school games that I like so anything from 1998 onward would suffice, and besides pretty much all older machines are being used as coasters and paperwieghts anyway. I still have a desk top PC, but it's at home 80 miles from where I go to school, so I'm not really interested in spending much more than 150$, and that'd be for something really perfect that I could use for other things too. Any ideas?

Edit: I plan on checking out the MIT flea market, since I'm not too far from Boston.
I hear that. I want to get a computer that's right in the time period that it'll play Syndicate and other older DOS games without hiccuping or requiring excessive screwing around in the settings.
A 300Mhz CPU, 64MB RAM and >4MB video RAM should run Fallout and Fallout 2 smoothly... or simply anything that is 8 years old can run them. :D
Hmm, i was thinking of purchasing something like this for the purposes of playing my old C&C, and dungeon keeper games again. I check eBay from time to time, but seriously need money :).
If you're in the Massachusetts area, check out the MIT Flea market. I've never been, but I've been told that they sell all sorts of computer related stuff for dirt cheap. If you're not in MA, check out technical colleges in your area for similar events.

I was hoping to pick up a 5-8 year old laptop for next to nothing, but Ebay doesn't have many of them :(

Oh, and sorry about the wrong forum thing heh.
Heh...I used to install Fallout onto some of the old craptops they had surplus in the military. Over ten years ago. That should give you some idea of what kind of specs to use. :D
Roshambo said:
Heh...I used to install Fallout onto some of the old craptops they had surplus in the military. Over ten years ago. That should give you some idea of what kind of specs to use. :D

That is quite impossible, Rosh, since Fallout hasn't been around for that long yet.

Unless you mean you got the laptops off military surplus 10 years ago.

I think that even a 486 might be able to run Fallout. Anything that has "Pentium" written on it will do.
I think Fallout needs a 90, I'm not 100% on that... IIRC FO doesn't even need windows. Yay.
Twelve Motion said:
Seriously though I am enjoying fallout on my 17" powerbook.

back to topic:

I had a laptop from ebay for 35 americans that ran the demo, but had no cd drive so it couldn't be installed(got the demo on with a file splitter and many trips with a floppy)
I know that you can use Fallout on a mac, and I've considered getting the mac version, but it's more that I want a PC laptop so I won't have to re-do all the mod's I've been making for the Mac format. But then again, playing Fallout on my behemoth 25 inch CRT monitor does sound tempting. If in a hypothetical situation where I actually found the time to do this, how tough would it be to switch over all my mods? Would I have to completely re-make them or are the proto files and map files compatable? (forgive me for asking a Mod-related question in the gameplay/tech forum, but I figured it wasn't worth making a new thread)

I also origionally wanted a PC to play my old Lucas Arts games on (Monkey Island, Sam&Max, Full Throttle, the old classics, ya'll know which ones I mean), but thanks to ScummVM, I can play the PC versions on my mac without trouble :)