Every time you get a vehicle, you can use that vehicle on the mission you get it, any other time you take a vehicle to a mission, it doens't show up until you finish the map and leave the area.. and even during those missions the vehicle doesn't prove to be extremely useful other than good cargo space, since a mutant firing rocket, or even a bursting Browning M2 can do 35 damage .. why bother ? I've ran over several radscorpions on random encounter before but that's about as fun as the vehicle gets with 2 tons of junk loaded in it.
On a side note, I need help with gambling, at bunker gamma, QM won't gamble unless the odds are 2:3, and he wins everytime at that odd, I've tried to lose something to him but doesn't help at all.. anyone know how to overcome that ? thx
On a side note, I need help with gambling, at bunker gamma, QM won't gamble unless the odds are 2:3, and he wins everytime at that odd, I've tried to lose something to him but doesn't help at all.. anyone know how to overcome that ? thx