What's the ultimate FO1 experience ATM?


Ahoy, ye salty dogs!
What is the ultimate FO1 experience (using mods) at the moment? Is it already possible to use those super bug fixes (last I looked it was patch 1.2.5, iirc) together with NPC mod (gang using armor, leveling up, etc)?

Which mods should I take and in which order (and how) should I install the stuff?

Anxiously waiting for nice answers,


EDIT: So far (12/11/2008), I believe this is the ultimate FO 1 experience: Fallout 1.2 patch + 1.3 patch update + NPC mod. I'm playing with this right now and it works worders. :ok:
Would it be of any use to have an "info on mods" sticky with links to threads like "which mod to use", "mod compatibility", "order of install", "prominent mod #1 issues" and so on?
Per said:
Would it be of any use to have an "info on mods" sticky with links to threads like "which mod to use", "mod compatibility", "order of install", "prominent mod #1 issues" and so on?

That would actually be really nice.
The question is whether it will reduce the number of similar threads. If people can miss/ignore the "what mods to use" sticky, they will certainly be able to miss/ignore a sticky with directions to that and other things besides. Could be worth a shot, though. Is there anyone in particular who wants to post and maintain it?
Oi! I didn't miss that thread... it's just that there are 7 mods for Fallout 1 in that thread, and some with broken links. I just asked what is the "top dog" mod combo, and what's the optimal install order. :wink: