Where do items given to NPCs go?


First time out of the vault
I've been wondering more and more how does the game work in regards to certain mechanics.
For example items given to NPCs.
Let's say I pay 50$ or 100$ to Slim Picket in Klamath for outdoorsman training.
Where does the money go? Definitely not in to his inventory.
Even when he's killed it's not on his body.
Sometimes items are placed in the inventory, but most of the time they are simply destroyed. I would guess it's for game balance reasons.
Considering how easy is to use "Steal", it's most likely destroyed as Darek said. There are some NPCs who keep the money in their inventory. The guy in New Reno who jacks your car and demands 1000$ for it, keeps it in his inventory so you can steal it back.
Some patches fix sven that - for the sake of balance, what else? I always used to go to San Fran with as much coins as I could get, buy everything I could affort from merchants in Chinatown then steal the money back from them until they run out of fhings I have enough cash for, then trade all this garbage for Power Armor, ammo, meds, Gauss, you name it. In Restoration project mode +killap it stopped working - money paid to merchants just disappeared from inventory. Got me kinda frustrated at the first time, butthen I realized It's definitely much more interesting this way. Me and my party members soon became a bunch of walking tanks without it just fine:-)