First time out of the vault
Ok I love fallout (someone loving fallout on a fallout message board? NO! Go on!) and all but I'm at kinda a rift when it comes to F3. OK see it goes like this. I had F1&2 in a bundle package a couple years back and was all over it and after that I hadn't much interest in FoT cause it wasn't RPG. About 2 months ago I heard about BoS but never pursued it (I hear it sucked balls anyway... I'll prolly look into it) but getting down to F3. Recently saw tactics in the bookstore for 5 bucks and thus reignighted my interest. Now the thing is though I can't find quality info on the F3 aka Van Buren project. The most I can figure is that Interplay went bankrupt (which is why their site is gone) and that someone (the producer was it?) died. Really thats the whole extent of my knowledge on the subject...