Which Fallout looting do you like the most?

Which one do you like the most?

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It Wandered In From the Wastes
I have played pretty much all Fallout games(well except for BOS and 76). I have come to a conclusion that there are two types of looting - classic(FO1, FO2 and FOT) and new (FO3, FONV, FO4, FO76). Personally I love classic looting system, because:
most of the time items are in containers or corpses, although if it's lying on the ground it's almost invisible;
there are almost no useless junk or misc items;
stopping to loot doesn't break the flow of the game, since it's slow paced;
and finally there are generally less items to loot overall, one would see it as a downside, but I think too much items like in new games overwhelms the player.