Which would you prefer?

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funky draftsman

I was reading the latest installment of the Fallout Bible tonight, and a question formed in my meager brain:

Which would be better? Fallout 3 or an expansion disk for FO2, which had all the quests & such that were supposed to be in the game originally, but were removed?

I personally would be more in favor of the expansion disk.

What say you, Fallout community?

"Did we give up when the GERMANS bombed Pearl Harbor?"
It would be cool to check out the EPA and help the brain take over the world, but I don't see it happenin.
From a technical standpoint, I think releasing the expansion would be easier, but it's been quite a while since FO2 came out. I know there would be a lot of people that would buy it, but I don't know if the powers that be at Interplay know this. They might also decide if they're going to do anything else Fallout related, it should be state of the art. And who's to say they won't use some of the stuff they cut when the third game finally gets made?
If they are going to do an expansion pack, it will most likely be for FOT, for several reasons. First, it would be most easily made. All you would have to do would be to make some more missions. Secondly, it is their most recent (fallout) game, and has the largest mass-market appeal. Finally, er... never think of a list containing three points if you can only think of two.
Unfortunately, it would be difficult to make an add on for the first two games. The story lines and quests are constantly overlapping, interleaving etc., but it would not be impossible. An extra area or town could be added on in much the same way as the add on for Baldur's Gate.
i'd prefer a well done FO3. Just because of the fact i've played FO2 so much, created so many characters, and have done the same starting quests over and over i cant even stand creating a character anymore and playing the temple of trials. So i want a new game :)
Judging from how much (real world) time has passed since the last Fallout game I suspect FO3 would be the choice they made if for no other reason than to keep up with technology.
Not the Fallout2. THe fallout2 ENgines got problems in AMD Processor (the malaysian made AMD. I never tried it in German made one.)I rarely got random Encounter in FO2 now due to my HArdware. So i prefer FO3 NOT! an expansion of FO2 or FOT

Both FO1 and FO2 run in an excellent way in my AMD Duron 650 system, maybe you should check somewhere else in your system for a solution to your problems (or maybe you have a K-6?)

Man I really wish Interplay would start makin' Fallout 3 cuz like another person said, i am getting sick of going throguh the whole Temple of Trials/Klamath thing again, and i do not want an expansion pack relating to that. FALLOUT 3 ALREADY, PLEASE!!!!!