Who do you trust (to review your games?)

Von Drunky

Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
With all these game mags and web sites reviewing FO3 I stumbled upon the question of what sources I trusted before to review games I was interested in buying. Without looking around too much who do you go to first? I mostly use www.gamespot.com then again I rarely buy games.
i read the french Joystick mag, but mostly out of nostalgia. the mag used to be awesome but they changed crew and now they're just above average.

but i only trust myself when it comes down to it. no mags or no websites.

Quite as shooting yourself in the head to get rid of a headache, ain't it?

If there is one site (that deals with all genres) I trust, that is MobyGames. Although there you have only reviews from the users.

Otherwise, yeah, I only trust myself.
It's been said before: Beside myself and my close friends that I've gotten to know well? No-one. Especially those that get paid for reviewing games.
I never trusted professional reviewers
Not for Movies, Games, Electronic Products, Music, or Food because they tend to sound too fucking Jaded to me. "I've seen this before, its nothing new" and all that crotch rotting rot. So I check things out for myself. Not many of my friends like the same stuff I do so I can't ask what they think on any one thing.
I check out EBgames to read a profile about the game, and check out screenshots, and read player reviews (focusing on the bad ones, to see whether I agree or disagree with what points they think are good or bad). With games I'm familiar with, I lurk on their forums, only speaking out when it's a game I'm an avid fan of. I'll maybe check out Mobygames if it's been out for a while.

In the end, though, my own impression is my greatest influence.
FeelTheRads said:

Quite as shooting yourself in the head to get rid of a headache, ain't it?

If there is one site (that deals with all genres) I trust, that is MobyGames. Although there you have only reviews from the users.

Otherwise, yeah, I only trust myself.

MobyGames wins. I tend to stay away from all of the bigger reviewers(Gamespot, Game Informer, etc.) because sometimes I just get a very distinct feeling that some of the reviewer are getting their dicks sucked by prostitutes bought by publishers. I think it's all in their greater goal to be more like this "dude":

Me and some similiarly thinking mates irl.

I also tend to believe reviews written by people who aren't on anyone's payroll, and who i know can get critical even on big, mainstream games. (like Codex)
I read PCZone, and IGN, the latter for news alone. Most of the good guys at pczone UK are gone now, but i guess it's the same case as Suaside's french mag.
I understand that each person is different and it is very important to make your own judgment, but that’s not what I asked. Basically what most of you are saying is you won’t read up on a game but just buy it and then after you play it, it will determine if the game was wroth buying or not. I wanted to know sites or mags friends are an obvious source but that was sometimes a let down example: buying fear and halo.

I saw and played the game a few years back, when one of my cousins in Mexico got himself an Ecksbocks. I didn't know what all the fuss was about, as multiplayer co-op gaming existed since Quake 1, something I used to play as a 11-year old in an oldschool LAN arena in Warsaw, "Jaskinia Gier" which was located in a big media shop, Empik. Damn, those were the days of Q1 fragfests and Diablo co-ops. So no, I never got Halo's point. I guess the ecksbocks was the first to launch FPS multiplay on such a scale, as Halo itself was vastly inferior to other similar multigames.

I played FEAR for a bit, but it was boring. In the same way a few books can be terminally boring. Mickiewicz's Dziady and Stendhal's LE Rouge et le Noir are perfect examples. The crappy "sudden sound horror" coupled with the pseudo-creepy girl turned me down. Hell, Hl2 was a far more entertaining game, mostly due to the grav-gun, which let you kill enemies by shooting toilets and radiators at them, not to mention City 17 looks a lot like Warsaw, my second home-town. City. Whatever.

Anyway, when I'm going to buy a game, I usually do some research online on it. The only time I was disappointed was buying NWN2. The game could be almost bearable in English, but the version sold here had an extremely shitty, forced translation. To all you Poles reading this, it's the last fucking time I buy anything from CD Projekt. And to think I was going to work there. Ha!

So, summa summarum, I do some research from several sites before buying anything. Talking with friends that've played the game is also a good source of information. Hell, playing it at a friends' house is also insightful.
I trust Metacritic heavily for movies. They've not let me down so far.

If they're that reliable about movies, they are probably as good for games.

Who knows. The only true judge, is like others have said here many times - yourself. :P
I use Gamecentral off the UK teletext. They're so small that none of the companies see them as worth bribing.

I've been in love with them ever since they gave San Andreas 6/10 instead off all the arse-kissing ridiculous perfect scores.