*smacks KOC for posting pics like that.*
Dean, simply because I don't want Bush there. But I don't get to vote. Bah.
Dean is introducing, and wants to introduce more religion (Christian) into America.
No he isn't. Read the last article? He is taking a more religious stance to get more religious votes, but he isn't actually mixing religion and state.
He also wants us to pull out of Iraq, which would make a bigger shit storm!
And, not to mention, he loses his temper a lot and lies just like any other politician, but lies about lying and then says he did, then says he did in a sense!
Sources, please? And ehmm......ever seen what Bush is doing? Ah well...
Not to mention he has some crazy plan for changing what a democrat means again or something like that? I heard he wants to switch the democrats to a more right wing/left wing, which ever they are at now, he wants them to switch
He says that the democrats are becoming more and more general, and shouldbecome more left wing.
Comparable to what happened to the Dutch PvdA and what is being done about it now.
Not to mention Bush can keep his cool, I would rather vote Bush, as much as he has brought our economy below the EU, and hurt our foreign relations, I still like him better than the other candidates.
Are "he can keep it cool" and "I like him better" really good arguments to keep Bush on? I personally don't think so.
Not don't fucking bash/flame me! This is an opinion! Let me state mine and you can disagree, but don't say that I'm immoral or a moron or some of that sort.
Good! Bite back!
YOu heard what PS said. No.more.insulting. (And no, this is not sarcastic, if you happen to think so.)
As a last little thing, maybe you'll find it interesting to know that Bush not only ducked going to war in Vietnam when he got drafted quite cleverly, but actually didn't do one single thing during his service in the TExas National Air Guard, AND spent the last two years(IIRC) of that service in a vacation house somewhere. It's all in here:
(Thought you might be interested, since you seem to be fanatical about the military)