Why am I wearing this Jumpsuit?


First time out of the vault
Some people who are modding fallout2 (including me) might run into a difficult storyline problem: in case your story doesn't tell about the vault dweller (or The Chosen One or something like that), why the heck the PC is wearing a Vault Jumpsuit?

So, any ideas? My thought is that it could be just simply be bought from a trader, as far as I see vault jumpsuit might be one of the best cloth materials in the wasteland...

It's so nice and soft and nice and blue,
it's a vaultsuit from Vault Tec and it's for you.
maybe he got shot by shot gun wielding deathclaw and was rescued by some vault dwellers who saved him and took him to the vault and then thyey gave him some new clothes which was a jumpsuit and then he did his quest.
When the editor was released someone wrote somewhere, try not to do an another Fallout2, be reasonable, even a short 20min adventure would be welcome. That's what I'm trying to do. Something that one man can do. The future of my project is all about how do I get along with scripting. At the moment everything seems bright, and my mod might even be finished someday, but can't ever be too sure...
The name of the protagonist has little bearing, as it will - like many things - be lost to the wastes eventually. However, his brief story in the applicable history of the post-Fallout 2 mods follows...

Chief among his many talents were a sharp eye and good visual acuity; thus, it was no wonder that the man was able to spot the large, metallic shape off in the distance. Firmly convinced that it deserved investigation, he wandered off in its direction - much to the chagrine of the rest of the caravan.

Upon his longer-than-anticipated arrival, he noticed the words, chisled into the side of the eroded structure as though etched there by the gods - "Vault Tech: Vault 13." Though he knew not of this "Vault Tech," his parents and theirs before them had passed down the relevant information partaining to the vaults. Considering himself quite extraordinarily lucky to stumble across such a gift in the berift wasteland that the world has become, he quickly made his way inside.

Somewhat to his disappointment, the contents had been rather thouroughly raided, and even in the dim light of his torch he could make out obvious signs of a struggle. More than just someone had been here, and there wasn't much left to be found. As he made his way down the abandoned dwelling, he heard odd sounds eminating from the dark, collapsed passageways.

Not wanting to linger, he looked around as quickly as he was able, and managed to find some old canteens. Though this was certainly quite a find, he was left disheartened by the lack of more. Just as the decision that his expectations were too high was made, he heard a squeal - louder than the rest - to the right of him.

Making his way past the debris and rock, he noticed a cave rat, larger than most, sitting on the remains of what appeared to be a man. By hurling rocks at the beast, he quickly drove it off and went to inspect the prone figure. As he had suspected, it was the withered body of a former resident. He dusted the corpse off lightly, and gazed upon the remains.

'Hmm... I wonder what that odd outfit would bring me in the NCR bazaar?" he thought to himself, as he set about stripping the cadaver.

Possible story for you there, use it with my blessings if you so desire.
Thats actually a fessable story line. OK I'll try to stop bringing up these old threads now.....maybe :)
Great idea.
So the main character is a necrophiliac who likes to dress up in clothes he randomly loots from corpses? I wonder where that could lead.
Role-Player said:
Ashmo said:
So the main character is a necrophiliac who likes to dress up in clothes he randomly loots from corpses?

I get a warm and fuzzy feeling just thinking about the possibilities.

I think that's called an erection.