Why does my Fallout look like this??


First time out of the vault
Hi all,
nice to meet you.
i am a new italian user, so excuse me for my bad english:)

i've just installed Fallout I on my PC. i have Windows Vista
When i launch the game the first "opening" video looks like this:

Nevertheless i have to admit that it doesn't look exactly like this. The photo is uncorrect 'cause under these strange colors there are normal images of the video that ( i don't know why) didn't appear in photo

Can you help me?[/img]
So is the problem the resolution of the screen? Or the wrong coloring of the movie? I find it rather hard to tell with such a small image to work with.
hrm the only thing I can think of is if your video card settings (especially on laptops) is set to not stretch the image and show actual size. That would explain the border (happened to me while playing BG2 on my laptop)
Zacirus said:
So is the problem the resolution of the screen? Or the wrong coloring of the movie? I find it rather hard to tell with such a small image to work with.
The problem isn't game resolution (i solved it btw). The problem is the wrong coloring of the movie (and not only the movie)

Any suggest?
Killap Patch got ddraw.ini to modify your screen resolutions, colordepth, etc.... Anyways, I would never recommend running Fallout in Windows Vista(incredibly annoying version of windows made for playing Crysis :P). If you have a good time at OS-Multitasking, just put windows XP or 98 and all those problems will be gone ;D
samothethief said:
Killap Patch got ddraw.ini to modify your screen resolutions, colordepth, etc.... Anyways, I would never recommend running Fallout in Windows Vista(incredibly annoying version of windows made for playing Crysis :P). If you have a good time at OS-Multitasking, just put windows XP or 98 and all those problems will be gone ;D

I know the problem is my OS.
I hate Windows Vista:)