Why does my Sullik not like the Mega Power Fist?


First time out of the vault
or the .223 Pistol for that matter?

It seems the only thing i can get him to equip are ammoless melee weapons, even though every faq in existence says he can use any of the above

anyone know what's wrong? and i'm pretty certain he's on max levels
nevermind, turns out i was just spelling Sulik wrong whenever i did a search for him

this question has been answered before

guess i could go on to ask what people's Sulik weapon preferences are
Don't double-post. The EDIT button is there for a reason.

While you're at it, use the SPELLCHECK button as well, since it appears you can't build a proper sentence on your own.
Spellcheck finds both Sulik and Sullik incorrect, so it wouldn't help much. If you're reffering to the punctuation (or lack of it), then yeah, although spellcheck isn't quite useful there either. :?

About Sulik's weapon preferences: super sledge all the way.
I'll use the edit next time.

Ah the trusty Super Sledge, i've been using that every game i decide to recruit Sulik and it's served well. When i can i'd even stack an extra Super Sledge into his inventory in case he critically misses and drops it.

The new game i'm on i've been testing his effectiveness with a little more range with his weapon. Sulik as a shooter does fair well if i start moving in to close range. Guess i'll try the fists in the end game.