Why so distant from this forum

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Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Well, I suppose I should explain myself why I was forced to leave some roleplays and stop creating new ones, or either joining any.

Truth is I am taking a turn in my life, I am entering my nation's ground army, but not just joining up as an enlisted man. I pretend to enter the most prestigious academy of my nation, the argentine equivalent to west point.

For this I must make some sacrifices, study, get in physical shape, finish some difficult exams at the university, etc.

Some time ago I read a post in this forum about someone applying for chaplain's assistant. Well this is not the case here, I hopefully want to command a whole platoon of these: http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q104/ltcgonzalez/1024x768_12.jpg when I get out of the academy, so this is for real, I have to sacrifice a lot if I want to get there.

Bottom line, roleplaying requires a level of concentration I cannot spare at this time, and I may never spare again for a long time.

So, this is a 'sort' of a goodbye, because while I'll be frequenting this forums for the next months it is not likely I'll roleplay again (or who knows perhaps a final one).

Anyway, just wanted to say this before I slowly start to disappear until I am finally gone.
toodles, cheerio & good luck.

i hope you get through it, because this kind of stuff sure doesn't come easy. i wish you all the best.

PS: stay off the Falklands, it's hazardous to your health. ;)
Congratulations, Gonzalez! I hope you do well with your exams and training. We'll miss you here. I'll do my best to hold down the fort when you're gone. :wink:
SuAside said:
PS: stay off the Falklands, it's hazardous to your health. ;)

Funny you say that, today (April 2nd) is the 25th anniversary of the day we landed our troops in Malvinas. For reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falklands_War Oh, and about the casualties, they were more even than they look, at least with ground troops, the total half of our casualties occurred with the sunk of one single ship.

Anyway here are some videos of where I am going, uploaded by a 1st year cadet. The first one is an institutional video (mind it's in spanish) and there are also some ceremonies and parades. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=colegio+militar+de+la+nacion&search=Search Though they don't show how they mop the floor with the cadets during instruction. :lol: :) :| :( Uh, I better get ready for some action.

I already got a sponsor, so all it's left now is hard work.
Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
Funny you say that, today (April 2nd) is the 25th anniversary of the day we landed our troops in Malvinas.
i know, that's why i said it. ;)

good luck, gonzy.
Gonzy, in addition to staying out of the Malvinas, try that "just say no" next time some Argentine generals say,

"Hey Gonzalez, what do you think of a military coup!"

Politics is bad business.
welsh said:
Gonzy, in addition to staying out of the Malvinas, try that "just say no" next time some Argentine generals say,

"Hey Gonzalez, what do you think of a military coup!"

Politics is bad business.

About the Malvinas, no matter what they say, even if it takes another 150 years, we will go back. I am sorry, but it is something that perhaps only an argentinean can understand.

About a coup, it would be a crime to attempt such a thing on a constitutional government and not only would I deny taking part on it, but also would have to take action against it if necessary.

And one more thing... I though the only person I authorized to call me Gonzy was SuAside. I let it pass because it's you, but I better don't catch anyone else calling me that. Ok? :)
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