Wild Wasteland RPG


First time out of the vault
Hello, all. I came here, knowing that this is a forum full of Fallout fans. I need assistance though. I recently began my own forum ,wanting to make a fallout text-based roleplay. This will be based in The Mohave Wasteland, the Capital Wasteland, the Philly Wasteland, etc. The problem is that I'm using proboards and I'm terrible at designing and coding and such. So I need someone who will be and admin and aid me in making my forum look sleek and very post-apocalyptic, while at the same time helping me develop the plot, timeline, characters, places, etc. I am in the very beginning stages of creating the forum. I am currently experimenting with some different backgrounds and stuff like that.

Here's a link: http://www.wonderfulwasteland.proboards.com/index.cgi
Ah, Proboards, my old nemesis...

Well, how much "G" do you want in your RPG? That is to say, pen and paper style mechanics on top of the roleplaying, or just straight text with some GM judgment calls?

If you're aiming for the former, ditching Proboards, grabbing some free webspace with mySQL support, and uploading phpBB. That way, you can extend it with some dice support and have actual mechanics in play.

As for plot and such, having both coasts is just asking for trouble, both due to travel problems (how would you get from Washington to Shady Sands and back?) and the incompatibility in their settings. You'd be best off sticking to one region, given the difficulties explaining long-distance travel in the post-apocalyptic world. Ideally, grabbing an unused region (say, Texas, since BoS DIDN'T FUCKING HAPPEN and people should stop making up games that never existed) and, after some research, developing the post-apocalyptic region for your own use.

Do you want a grand over-arching plot, create a setting and let the players run free, or a mix of the two, with episodic calamities that threaten the region?

You've a decent start visually, but you haven't given nearly enough information on what you're shooting for. A bit more clarity might help.
I was thinking more of a straight text-based originally, but I'm unsure, as a PnP version could definitely be a lot of fun, given the amount of people playing, how active they, etc. Perhaps ditching proboards is the correct option. And if I was to ditch PB, I would probably use HelioHost, being that its free to use and its also ad-free.

And yes, I realize you are correct on the plot part. When I thought about it, I realized that in order for it to take place in the Capital Wasteland, which I already have locations down for, I'd have to create all of the characters in each town. Which means I'd have to stay away from the F3 era. Too complicated.

So I did think about ditching the coasts altogether and sticking with the Midwest (being that, much like BoS, Tic-tacs isn't canon either).

I thought the Midwest could interesting because of tornadoes, the fact that it has become a giant nuclear dustbowl, etc.

Perhaps, you'd be willing to join me?
Once this website is up and running, yeah I would happily join in on the Rp-ing, the one thing that may catch me out is that my character has a pretty stronge foundation story (been involved in 2 RPs on this website), so would is that something I would put on the character post I would do.

Sorry for slightly muddled post.
Its still early to say, because I'm not even sure what the RP will be like yet. If it clears up anything, I can say that your character's history can include anything you want as long as it fits in with the plot of the roleplay.
Well my characters plot most likely will fit in with the plot (bit of a wanderer), but now he's nearly knocking on his third RP (in talk about it), so he's starting to get into his late twenties, but I need to move off the RP talk, this is a gameplay forum.
I've always wanted to play a Fallout pnp. I could never get into exodus.

I'd love for it to take place in the Midwest. Being a michigan dweller, I'd love to see what happened to Detroit.
I'd be happy to help with setup, as well as plot, and I've had a new SPECIAL PnP system kicking around in my head for a while, intended for use in something I've dubbed Fallout AU. (Title is Anno Umbrae, but a more common reading of AU is certainly intended.)

I'll make a thread about the PnP system later. (Currently swamped with work and taking a break.)
I have some ideas of my own, but more oriented towards a smaller community kinda thing. Count me in for discussion. The PnP rule books that somebody wrote up are hosted somewhere in the files section of NMA.
(This is what I have down for the beginning, the first quest. I have a bit more written down as to what will happen, but I wouldn't be much of a GM if I revealed that, now would I?)

Fallout Midwestern. 2280 AD.

It has been over 200 years since the Great War. The shambles of what was once the United States has begun to pick itself back up again. The once great nation has started the long, long journey that is becoming great once more.

In the Midwest it is the most dangerous. Twisters run through the plains, transporting radiation from the rest of the country into the Midwest. Because of this, the entire region is nothing but a nuclear dustbowl.

The city of Detroit, Michigan is the focal point of the Midwest. It is the home of what used to be Chryslus motors, the first company to produce fusion powered cars. Many scavengers have been killed while trying to pick resources from the several Chryslus buildings spread throughout Detroit.

A mysterious man has offered a handsome reward to any person or gang who is able to penetrate each Chryslus building and terminate the security within.

The job won't be easy. All over the streets of Detroit is an abundance of raiders and savage mutants. Inside the Chryslus buildings are armies of security-bots, hellbent on destroying intruders and protecting the treasures within. Several other dangerous gangs and guilds are competing for the large reward, and due to the lack of authority, they probably won't be playing fair.

(The plot of the first quest. The characters will have to team up to get the reward. Sound fun? I figured it was befitting, seeing as Detroit does have a reputation for being the motor city. And to Machina, I'd be happy to have your help, I don't know much about coding and web-design. Plus, I'd love to hear your PnP system. And by all means, guys, keep the ideas flowin!)
Anyone can join as long as there;s not too many people. 3-5 should be good. I already have a couple reserved spots too, the others will depend on how good a RPer I think you are. So try outs I suppose.