Will obsidian make another fallout?


First time out of the vault
I have seen a lot of people saying they look forward to what obsidian will do with Bethesda did in fallout 4, but I haven't heard anything about them making another one. Have I missed something or is everyone saying they want to see obsidian make another fallout just wishful thinking?
Wishful thinking. Most agree that it would be the only saving grace Fallout has, but that BGS's shitty engine and systems and mechanics will probably hold it back.
There's absolutely no confirmation that it will happen, but a lot of people hope it's going to happen.
Obsidian is willing to do it, so the ball is in Bethesda's/Zenimax's court.
There have been a few references to San Fransisco in the game. Obsidian is west coast. Maybe Fallout: New Napa is secretly in the works? A guy can dream...
Considering Paradox Interactive now owns White Wolf Publishing, my hope is not only do they make another Fallout, but another game based in the WoD line. Werewolf, most certainly.
They're too busy with the Vampire game in New Orleans and Pillars of Eternity 2, sorry buddy
I'd really like to see this too though I'd also like to see them start fresh somewhere else on the West coast (or somewhere else entirely). It'd be really cool to see Obsidian carve our more of their own slice in the Fallout universe but as much as I liked New Vegas I'm not sure I want to go back there for a sequel.
How soon after Fallout 3 shipped did Obsidian start working on New Vegas? I know it was a quick turnaround, so it's conceivable that if Bethesda were to pay for a third party to do another Fallout game, they wouldn't have done anything about it yet.
I don't think BGS will outsource Fallout again. with them opening a whole new studio I'd wager that BGS Montreal will handle Fallout while the main studio does TES, this would put Bethesda games on a 2yr cycle. That's not to say that I would mind destroying my social life for another Obsidian Fallout.
I don't think BGS will outsource Fallout again. with them opening a whole new studio I'd wager that BGS Montreal will handle Fallout while the main studio does TES, this would put Bethesda games on a 2yr cycle. That's not to say that I would mind destroying my social life for another Obsidian Fallout.

Don't scare us mate.
Don't scare us mate.

Who knows? Maybe Bethesda Montreal (that is literally the most ridiculous company name I've ever heard, it's two city names next to each other) might actually end up making a good Fallout game. Then Bethesda Softworks ends up with an internal rivalry.

(seriously, the companies Square and Enix joined to make Square Enix, and even that isn't as ridiculous as Bethesda Montreal. It's like, New York London Game Studios.)
Who knows? Maybe Bethesda Montreal (that is literally the most ridiculous company name I've ever heard, it's two city names next to each other) might actually end up making a good Fallout game. Then Bethesda Softworks ends up with an internal rivalry.

(seriously, the companies Square and Enix joined to make Square Enix, and even that isn't as ridiculous as Bethesda Montreal. It's like, New York London Game Studios.)

And Bethesda Softworks shuts it down.