Will Wright on Spore: 'it’s too much hype'


Still Mildly Glowing
"Wright: I think it’s too much hype. About a year ago, we were realizing how much hype we were getting and we decided we should start to say that it’s going to suck just to de-hype it. That is a certain amount of pressure. When people don’t know much about something, they tend to fill in the blanks the way you want them to be filled in. That’s true of almost anything. Then, when the actual thing comes out some people will be disappointed that it’s not “hardcore enough” or it’s not “easy enough” or that we didn’t do this or that. We’ve gotten to that point any additional hype isn’t serving us well. It’s a concern."

From here.

That's what happens when you promise 'the most innovative game of all time.'

Stop whining Will, and deliver.

Sadly, this sounds to me like he knows this game is not going to come anywhere near where he said it would, and is trying to dampen the disappointment now.
well, he's partially right really.

once hype goes beyond a certain point, it gets a life of its own. and once past that point, even one of the best games ever will likely feel like a suckass piece of slag.
I'm up to the space stage and yer the non editor gameplay is kinda suckfull. Editors are cool except for the clothes one which doesn't give you much stuff, except for a Top Hat. Lucky each stage only taks an hour, so 4-5 hours till you get your spaceship and things pick up.
SuAside said:
well, he's partially right really.

once hype goes beyond a certain point, it gets a life of its own. and once past that point, even one of the best games ever will likely feel like a suckass piece of slag.

Agreed. Look at the pile-o-crap Fable turned into after all of Peter's gum flappin'.
9.5 at IGN doesn't mean jack shit. I'm sure Spore will be a fun game,but not the end all be all game like Wright promised.
Got my copy today. I'm not going into it expecting a masterpiece, just some good simple fun that I can pick up and put down as and when I feel like it.
SuAside said:
well, he's partially right really.

once hype goes beyond a certain point, it gets a life of its own. and once past that point, even one of the best games ever will likely feel like a suckass piece of slag.

cough...Fallout 3.... cough.
You could say that about any modern, top of the market game these days actually. Halo 3, Gears of War, even Bioshock can be used as examples. None of them were what they said they were gonna be.

I think the biggest one for me was Assassin's Creed. Repetitive as fuck with stupid sci fi story stuck in it.

How many hyped games have you played that actually gave you what was promised?
Recently played Spore, it isn't bad. It's a lot more simpler than I originally imagined the game would be. But as a lunchbreak game, its really decent.

It's pretty cool that there's a spaceship creator though, and outfitting your tribe(which is the stage I am at) is a lot of fun. It's still really too early to say what my opinion is on the game. Each era has a different playstyle.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
I_eat_supermutants said:
How many hyped games have you played that actually gave you what was promised?

Half Life 2, Warcraft 3, Devil May Cry 4.

Warcraft 3 was the departure of Warcraft 1 and 2's numbers management into insane micromanagement that was boring as ass. Also the lore became high fantasy drivel that the previous two games had managed to avoid by making the experience a little darker and more grounded.

All of a sudden there were fish people and purple elves and whatnot. Lame, lame, and lame.