Win XP Blackout Patch?


First time out of the vault
I'm not going to bother crying about the blackouts or beg for hand holding to get the game to work, needless to say FO2 runs like a champ and FO1 isn't regardless of work arounds. The peeps over at Bethesda who have taken over all things Fallout give you guys (and I assume gals) mad props for all things Fallout pre 3 so I thought I would ask my question here.

Is anyone working on or planning to work on an offical patch for Fallout 1 for XP? If the above question is no how can we get the ball the rolling in that direction? I mean there are 3 diffrent ways to get Fallout 1 and it and it's sequel are in the top 10 of all time for RPGs and with 3 coming out soonish people have gotten a renewed interest in the series.

Well that's my 2 cents for what's worth, I'll just be sitting in the corner holding my breath untill I can play FO1 again...stupid xp. :crazy:
Thanks for the interest, but unless you specify:

1) Your problems with the game
2) Your system specification

this does not belong here.

Does the game run at all? Does it run, but parts of the screen are covered in balck periodically? Search the bloody forum for "xp+blackout" or whatever it is that you are having a problem with.

PS. With Fallout 1, you can try to get a hold of the DOS version and run it through DosBox on XP.
Oh sorry, thought a topic like this would go here. Well I'll answer your questions then the powers that be can decide where this topic should go, really was just trying to find out a patch or jump start some action to creat one in case there wasn't already. Anyways...

The game installs fine, sound is fine but like almost every other XP user the screen goes black unless you menu in and out, redraw with mouse etc., I know some people find this acceptable but it does it too fast to keep up with on mine.

My specs are:
Windows XP Home edition Service Pack 2
Intel Pentium 4 3.5 GHz
1 Gig of Ram
Audigy 2 Sound Card
ATI Radeon X700 series Video Card

I've tried all the fixes and work arounds in the sticky and forums, but like I said in the begining this topic was meant just for information about a possible patch that would be a proper fix for the problem that doesn't require a diffrent OS, PC or changing all your settings just to play 1 game. Well that's it, sorry to beat a dead horse on the black out problem but I spent over 8 hours scouring posts and the internet and found no info other then being redirected to the sticky which didn't have any patch info. Grats to you guys though for having pretty much everything else on the web regarding FO1 and 2 point your way.
Fix for XP

OK, after getting pretty annoyed myself I dug around and played with various fixes for this XP blackout problem. One solution that worked on my system is this:

Download sfall from

Unzip it, etc, etc

Edit the ddraw.ini file

Look for the section regarding Graphics

Change the Mode 0 (default) to 4

scroll down a bit

Change the GraphicsWidth to 1024 and GraphicsHeight to 768

Save and run Fallout

There are notes in the ini that explaining the various settings. Mode 4 will totally corrupt the movie playback and the talking heads but allows you to play the game without the blackout. I also recommend getting a Shader Addon. Search the Fallout Wiki for the latest one.
Re: Fix for XP

EvilGenius said:
There are notes in the ini that explaining the various settings. Mode 4 will totally corrupt the movie playback and the talking heads but allows you to play the game without the blackout. I also recommend getting a Shader Addon. Search the Fallout Wiki for the latest one.
Actually, as of about a week ago movies are fixed. Talking heads are probably still broken though. :(

Can you guys post if it worked? If so, it would belong in a sticky.
Strictly speaking it doesn't fix the blackout problem, it just automatically refreshes the screen when it occurs. You can tell if you try playing in a window: Fallout will work correctly, but the rest of your desktop still blacks out.
Thanks, I'll try that on my next days off. Everyone keeps saying the french app works well too but so far it isn't working for me. Technology is not my friend sadly. You can try it out for yourself but it's all in french which isn't very helpfull to most i would think. People say that you just unzip it, install it where ever and run the exe file, a box is supposed to pop up and if you hit ok it closes so don't hit ok. WHile the box is up you launch the game and before you finish playing and exit the game window out and hit ok to close the box then exit the game. Otherwise it can lock up or something.

Whenever I try though I get a dll error or it says something is missing and to try reinstalling the app. I don't know, maybe others will have better luck.
I don't know, maybe others will have better luck.
Hey, they do !! :D

Just tried it a few minutes on Fallout 1 and it works like a charm. (Normally I do get blackouts after a few minutes playing the game.)
Great find! I searched long and hard for a solution and you just present it to me on a silver tray. :clap:
I did not try the Fallout 2-version of this fix, but I'm quite positive that it will work, too. (Don't have Fallout 2 installed right now.)

You should post the error-message you're getting. Maybe we can find a solution, so you can enjoy this fix, too.

And sorry for my mediocre english... still learning. :P
i used the high resolution patch (1.2) and my problem was gone (only non black screen at mouse pointer and moving critters), I had that constantly though