Windowed Game-play


First time out of the vault
Can anyone tell me how to run the game in a window? The fact that I can't alt+tab out is really beginning to peev me off, as I like to chat on ICQ, etc when playing games.
Which of the games are you talking about ?
If it's Fallout 1/2, it can't be done..
Tactics, use the -w switch on the shortcut.
Whilst you can't play in a window (unless you use linux and windows emmulator) you can press alt-tab to switch between applications :)
now, that's a great idea! I could use VMWare to emulate another windows, and play it in a window... great idea man, must try it!
I don't think it'll work because of the way it uses the display. there are several games on which I tried something similar, but as soon as you start the exe, it switches to full screen. alt+enter doesn't help. alt+tab place that application in task bar, not visible on desktop.

therefor, I think vmware could help