WinXP Fallout 1 difficulty (unusual)


First time out of the vault
So, I followed all the instructions in the 'how to install fallout under WinXP guide' (with the humongous install). I even did the compatibility bit. Problem is, when I try to run it, it gives me the same error every time.

"Could not find the master datafile. Please make sure the FALLOUT CD is in the drive and that you are running FALLOUT from the directory you installed it to."

Now, the MASTER.DAT file is in the same directory as the falloutw.exe file, just as per instructions. Furthermore, the CD is still in.

Any ideas on what the problem is? Suggestions? What do I do?
Does it install with the instal utility? I had no problem putting it onto my IBM laptop. It never even batted an eyebrow. Try that and if it lunches again come back.
Oh, the install utility was much worse -- I did it twice, and it caused my comp to go Blue Screen of Death both times -- that was why I looked up the windows installation guide in the first place.
1) Please post the contents of your fallout.cfg file
2) Please update your graphic card drivers
Oh, nevermind. I'm just a moron. The problem was with the .cfg file, so thanks for getting me to look there. Thanks for all the help.