WIP: Homemade Pip Boy 3000


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Hello out there,

With Halloween fast approaching I have decided that I wanted to dress up as a Vault-Dweller and anxiously went online to see how much one of the Pip Boy 3000 resin casts cost and was sort of shocked to see it was only $45 dollars but then I realized that I would have to modify the resin cast and such and who knows how much that would cost to get that thing looking semi-functional. So I searched the internet looking at all sorts of ways to go about making one and came to the realization that I could probably make one myself from scratch. My goal on this project is not to go over 60 dollars and to use whatever I have lying around.

So this is where your opinions come in:

(A) Should I make this project out of cardboard?
-I've never done paper craft but the principles look easy enough
and I already have all the tools.

(B) Should I just say forget about it and just go about getting the cast itself and modifying it thus far?
-Again, I have the tools and the technology to do this; I'm just a bit cheap.

(C) Hey, you know what? I have a better idea!
-(Explain in your post how what you think a better idea would be.)
A Vault Dweller, ay? What number? Maybe I suggest 13? Also, you should make a 2000. The 3000 has been done to death, and I'd like to see a good old fashioned 2000.
Well, I sort of have this idea rattling around in my head that the Vault Dweller would actually be from Vault 53 and only recently would have left his vault.

Just a refresher into the lore itself,

"Vault 53 (Fallout Bible): Most of the equipment was designed to break down every few months. While repairable, the breakdowns were intended to stress the inhabitants unduly. "

And to give this a further twist, I wouldn't be making the standard Pop Boy 3000, to go with the idea of a Vault Dweller from Vault 53, I'd be wearing a Pip Boy 3000C the cheaper, and not as sturdy model. To further the lore of Vault 53 seeing as everything from that Vault was designed to break easy but simple to fix. I'm thinking it's sort of like the mass production model of the PB3000 that was distributed before the War.

It's an idea to make this a bit more unique because I agree completely the PB3000 has been done to death but the PB2000 would be easier of course to make, hell a whole lot easier but it's not easily recognizable by (Newer) Fallout Fans.

Any input is greatly appreciated.

(Quick Update: I drew up a sketch of what I'm trying to build and dug threw my junk bins and found an old iTouch 1st gen and now the fun begins)
[Update for today] At some point after work; I'm heading down to the hardware store to get my hands on some supplies: duct tabe, pvc tubing (big enough to put my arm inside and small enough for a tight fit), and lastly silver/black/olive drab spray paint. Then I'll head over to the hobby shop and get some of that self ahesive vinyl that shrinks when you heat it up. Next, I'm heading down to the car parts store to grab a tire pressure gauge. Lastly I'm heading down to Radio shack to grab some electronic components to get the buttons to work.

Things I already have:
(1) iTouch First Gen w/ Pip Boy app downloaded for the screen
(1) exacto knife
(1) Soldering Iron with resin
(1) drimel with several bits

I'll post pictures of everything laid out when I get home.

{If anyone thinks I might be missing something or if anyone has any input at all let me know.}