It Wandered In From the Wastes

Hello out there,
With Halloween fast approaching I have decided that I wanted to dress up as a Vault-Dweller and anxiously went online to see how much one of the Pip Boy 3000 resin casts cost and was sort of shocked to see it was only $45 dollars but then I realized that I would have to modify the resin cast and such and who knows how much that would cost to get that thing looking semi-functional. So I searched the internet looking at all sorts of ways to go about making one and came to the realization that I could probably make one myself from scratch. My goal on this project is not to go over 60 dollars and to use whatever I have lying around.
So this is where your opinions come in:
(A) Should I make this project out of cardboard?
-I've never done paper craft but the principles look easy enough
and I already have all the tools.
(B) Should I just say forget about it and just go about getting the cast itself and modifying it thus far?
-Again, I have the tools and the technology to do this; I'm just a bit cheap.
(C) Hey, you know what? I have a better idea!
-(Explain in your post how what you think a better idea would be.)
With Halloween fast approaching I have decided that I wanted to dress up as a Vault-Dweller and anxiously went online to see how much one of the Pip Boy 3000 resin casts cost and was sort of shocked to see it was only $45 dollars but then I realized that I would have to modify the resin cast and such and who knows how much that would cost to get that thing looking semi-functional. So I searched the internet looking at all sorts of ways to go about making one and came to the realization that I could probably make one myself from scratch. My goal on this project is not to go over 60 dollars and to use whatever I have lying around.
So this is where your opinions come in:
(A) Should I make this project out of cardboard?
-I've never done paper craft but the principles look easy enough
and I already have all the tools.
(B) Should I just say forget about it and just go about getting the cast itself and modifying it thus far?
-Again, I have the tools and the technology to do this; I'm just a bit cheap.
(C) Hey, you know what? I have a better idea!
-(Explain in your post how what you think a better idea would be.)